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Small thank you for a good friend

thank you sketch

Quick thank you sketch I scratched out for a very good friend of mine.  We've been chatting constantly online for years and years now and haven't actually met in person, but this didn't stop him going above and beyond one night, staying up with me while I was having a meltdown over my failing computer system, helping me research problems with first Ubuntu and then Chakra, and finally recommending Manjaro and waiting around while I muddled my way through the install to make sure I would at least be able to go to bed having gotten the system operational.  He even said that if there was a way for him to do it for me so that I could go get some sleep (it had been a really, really trying couple of weeks leading up to that point and I was over it) then he would.


Andrew, Megan, Magellan and Andromeda

The twins!

Magellan and Andromeda were identical twins and very close to each other.  Magellan was a bit of a wild child, Andromeda was much more sensible and down-to-earth.  They were kind of background characters before so not that well developed, even though Andromeda was going steady with one of my main characters. 


Strike a Pose!

Midnight decided to branch out into more action poses and came up with this pic of her character Dahlilah (link currently goes to a flat wip), apparently fending off some troublemakers who mistook her for a soft target after she had just left training.  So I knocked out a quick sketch of Starzone for her to spar with when I needed a break from doing photobooks.

Haven't yet decided if I want to bring Starzone and co back in the sequel to the collab fanfic Mid and I were doing, and if I do if it should be as adults or their original teenage selves, so Starzi is her 17-19yo original self in this pic as that was easier on my brain.

ps - this is actually a slight upgrade of a very old colouring style from when I did use lines.  I'll average 2-3hrs per sketch if I use it to colour instead of the slapdash style but it looks better.


Taliesin concept sketch

Biker Mice from Mars fanart - Taliesin concept

Super-quickie sketch of Taliesin (genderless shadowshifter/mouse hybrid child of Helios and Sunkiss) for Midnight to give her an idea of xir default colour scheme.

The colouring was also super quick and turned out all right so I guess I have to colour all my sketches from hereon :)


Biker Mice from Mars + FC: Unexpected Carry

Biker Mice from Mars fanart - Stoker hefting enGage

In response to a comment Artaith left on the Rescue sketch on deviantART XD Sprat made the point that it's entirely possible to "bridal carry" someone the same height as you but this was more fun and playful.  And I have no idea what the relationship between Stoker and enGage is, she may well cut out his heart for this in the next panel, I decided it was amusing for all concerned.  I also don't know if enGage actually wears fishnet stockings or tall boots, the reference I used was a half body.

Stoker belongs to whatever megacorp has the rights these days.
enGage belongs to Artaith.


Rescue sketch

Quick sketch of a scene from the first chapter of the fanfic collab with Midnight.

Stoker is copyrighted to whatever megacorp has the Biker Mice from Mars licenses.  Windsong (the one being carried) is mine.


Biker Mice from Mars FC: Brandt Maverick

Biker Mice from Mars fan character

I needed a break from feathering, Midnight had just rolled out a concept of a new character, he was such a prettyboy and I'd wanted to see how my colouring looked on her drawing style.  The timing was perfect.

Brandt Maverick belongs to Midnight, this pic was coloured with permission.  Character is still under heavy development and may not look the same once she's done with him :)



No drabble this time round, sorry, brain is occupied with other things :)


Lay it on me

lay it on me

Stoker is going to spit chips.

That was the last fully formed logical thought in Helios' mind as he watched in fascination as the clothes quite literally vanished from the slender honey coloured young looking man standing before him.

"How did you...?" he paused uncertainly, wondering if the question was rude.



Original Biker Mice fancharacter Starzone with redeveloped AEfter Ragnarok Zara

Starzone is the mouse.  Zara is the human.  Zara uses "Starzone" as a callsign.

The original Starzone was a Biker Mice from Mars fan character done in the usual style of fan characters, she was way overpowered and Mary Sue and may have had stupid random flaws attached to not make her seem as overpowered and Mary Sue as she was.  I redeveloped her a bit later and she turned out all right, though I never got around to publishing the fanfic with her and her coterie.  I only roleplay her these days.