
image link to hive image link to ko-fi


June ProgBlog #1: the folly of everythinging

Currently as I type, I’m pecking at Yet More Freaking Feathers, hive, lesson planning and somewhat trying to finish my Mekton character for a game which I’m not sure when it’s going to start as I haven’t heard much of anything other than some issues with mech building since it was proposed, but I did say at the time that they could start without me (and I would jump in if/when appropriate if they started without me) as at the time I wasn’t sure if I would be able to play or not.

May ProgBlog #2: sulking

That’s what I’ve been doing for the past ages because I’ve been wasting a lot of time playing stupid phone games because stuff happens in the games unlike in real life where it feels no matter how much effort and hours you pour into something, absolutely nothing at all gets done.

My parents happened to be up for Mother’s Day as they had come over for a quick holiday (which of course involved catching up as much as we could as we only see them a couple of times a year) so sibling dearest coerced asked me to please get some flowers and she would send a hamper of goodies.

April ProgBlog #2

I’m still reasonably happy with how it looks given that they’re polygons and I’m still internally screaming.

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This is a great case for geonodes. Sadly that’s beyond my meagre capabilities. I also had to fix a topology nightmare on the shoulder which I completely forgot to screenshot probably because I was trying to remember if I’d been drunk when I did it (spoiler: highly unlikely as I haven’t gotten past tipsy for a very long time).

April ProgBlog #1: the insidious GAPS!

That’s not an acronym, just me screaming in annoyance.

The underside of the wing was the absolute worst thing ever as no matter how I moved the feathers, gaps kept appearing.

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Sunday was a super slow day to begin with as the bigs and I were recovering from doing a show on the Saturday (they were more tired than me as they were the ones actually flipping out and stuff, I was just kind of trying to help direct as I’d been unexpectedly thrust into that role as the coach who had been supposed to be doing that job had unfortunately come down with something the night before).

March ProgBlog #3: just ugh

That feeling when you’re the only one that knows that you did stuff because it doesn’t look like much changed at all.

That was a big part of why I decided to just let the streak break than try and push a late progblog. The other reason was that all the other stuff was a huge fight (some of it physically fights, or at least shouting matches, but mostly just the usual struggle trying to keep on top of things).

March ProgBlog #2: not enough prog

Another day another not doing what I’m supposed to be doing.

Sunday was just a hard slog of realising that I’d completely munted everything and that the feathers are actually on stalks before going into the skin. I versioned the model to see if doing that would solve some layering problems I’m having.

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And also making the shafts thicker while I’m about it.

March ProgBlog #1

At some point when I was rethinging my schedules, I decided that first Sundays were going to be mopping and windows days. Then promptly missed February.

The first weekend of March was a bit intense as J was in charge of scheduling the excursions and decided to schedule them both on the same weekend for whatever reason. We went to an Aboriginal Astronomy event at the Gravity Discovery Centre on the Saturday night and then went shooting at Topshot the following morning. I’ll write a tiny bit more about them with the metric boatload oh photos in March Homeschool Miscellany.

February ProgBlog #3: feathering

Sibling dearest and I are trying to initiate our project chats again. The project chats were a video call where we’d talk about what we were working on and it would kind of be like the good old days where we’d actually be sitting next to each other and would chat and occasionally look over to see what the other one was doing.

We’ve had to replace looking over with screenies (screen sharing would be a complicated setup as while she uses the same machine for the video call and work, I don’t, and that would probably cause her connection to drop and people in my house to complain about me nomming all the bandwidth) but it’s definitely better than nothing.

February ProgBlog #2: it'll all be worth it in the end...right? Right?!

At least that’s what I keep telling myself as I’m internally screaming my way through laying out polygon feathers and thinking about how the curve/particle feathers were easier (even if I couldn’t get them to look nice) and there will be more experienced people than me out there facepalming and headdesking or both like why the bloody hell did you go and overcomplicate it like that for when you could have just done {some technique I don’t know about that does the same amount of work in less time with better results}.

February ProgBlog #1: tedium

I’m still trying to settle the other work stuff into my mix. Like with the classes themselves, I need to get the timing right. Lesson planning is still taking me a ridiculously long time. I did find out I can do it in a hurry when I need to (last week I basically had a couple of hours to come up with one) but I like feeling like I’m being thorough. My current thoughts are if I don’t get it done when I had it scheduled for, I’ll keep plugging away at it while I’m hanging around the gym waiting for middle child to finish coaching.