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Why I prefer contacts to glasses

Posted on: Friday, 23 March 2012 @ 9:22pm
Blatting about

The optometrist strongly recommended I get emergency glasses.  Just get the cheapest pair, keep them in the drawer, and in the unlikely event I get an eye infection I can wear them.  Better to have them and not need them than need them and not have them and all.

So I bought a cheap set of frames and got the lenses made and and picked them up earlier today.

The family were quite keen to see me in them, so I took my contacts out and whacked the glasses on.

Holy hell.

I am suddenly reminded why I hated wearing glasses.  I reckon they wrecked my eyes to begin with.  I always refused to wear them when I was a kid, until one day where I got told off by a teacher and told that if I didn't wear them (despite the fact they were giving me the worst headaches) I would end up with glasses with lenses as thick as the bottoms of coke bottles because I'd strain my eyes so badly.

I reckon I should have just not worn them and my eyes would probably have eventually fixed themselves.

Anyway, the eyes are well screwed now, and I continued hating the glasses but otherwise wearing them.  Then I started playing hockey in high school and decided the glasses were hazardous, and got contacts.

I fell in love with them, and haven't looked back.

So now back to the wearing of the glasses.  I've lost pretty much all my peripheral vision.  Anything I'm not looking directly at is bending.  Straight things I'm looking directly at (like my desk and keyboard) are slightly curved.  Turning is giving me a headache unless I remember to shut my eyes and even then I still feel slightly motion sick.  I probably got those oversized goofy looking frames we like to laugh about now in old photos of us to attempt to counter that.

I remember being rather miserable wearing them full time and even though I would have been used to it at that stage, I remember why.

It's getting late but I want to 3d, and I'm going to go put my contacts back in so I can see straight and before this headache gets any worse.

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Lori Sunday, 25 March 2012 @ 7:33pm [Permalink]
I got contacts when I was seventeen and wore them full time until my eyes got too dry to wear them any longer. I really miss them for many of the reasons ou mention, particularly the peripheral vision thing. Now is also find I can't read at certain angles as they are now multimodal ones. I tend to just take them off when reading the small print now.
bek Sunday, 25 March 2012 @ 8:26pm [Permalink]
Lori Sunday, 25 March 2012 @ 10:06pm [Permalink]
I can drive with glasses but don't like the lack of peripheral vision as I need to take extra time to be safe when moving around in traffic. Fortunately I can still see well enough to read without my glasses. It's mainly distance vision with some minor deficits with close vision, I think.

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