Blender Adventures Part 5a - quickie expression test
posted on: Tuesday, 11 November 2014 @ 10:09pm in
At 8yo’s request: ‘Make him frown!’ (all the bases are gender neutral)

Seeing something mildly disturbing

Shock horror! I could have opened its mouth more but I was too lazy to go back to object mode to show the rig layer to be able to grab the jaw controller

How I feel right now
There’s a few shape keys and going to be a hell of a lot more once I do the phonemes. Kind of wish I could get the drivers working just so I don’t have to go trawling through the shape keys. After that or when I need a break from shape keying I’ll see if I can get controllers for the hands and feet. Feet shouldn’t be too much of a problem, I actually started on a foot rig before I abandoned it in favour of just manipulating the bones themselves like I was doing with the hands. I may end up doing that anyway but if I have controllers I can then hide the armatures without having to hide everything but the hand and foot bones.

This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License