fyn's series of unfortunate events
posted on: Monday, 30 April 2007 @ 10:34pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
I was going to call it a vent but you know what, it wasn’t a bad day, it was a good day with a series of stupid things interspersed.
First up, I got a call from the mac shop saying my imac was in and I could pick it up whenever. I thought that was awesome. JJ didn’t want me to pick it up on my own but I had Pete with me (big bald guy, no one with a brain would mess with him, not that I’m worried about being messed with, I may be a little out of practice but I can still mess people up good). Pete wanted to poke into a shop anyway to buy some miscellaneous candy goods to take back to the UK for his friends, and see what else there was to see, so I thought we could go to Carousel (where the ac shop was) coz we only neededto take one bus there as opposed to Garden City where we were originally going and needed two buses.
So we went out and waited for the 883. It came by and it was a crappy old bus that we had no chance in hell of getting the twin pram on. I then remembered I’d forgotten the receipt so we went back and got it, then headed back to the bus stop in time for the next 883, which was also a crappy old bus. You wouldn’t want to be a person in a wheelchair trying to get to bnloody Cannington from my place.
Wew hopped a 98 to the Murdoch Park and Ride thinking there had to be something from there. I rang the Infoline and told them where we were and what we wanted and got told to catch…the 883. Screw that for a joke. So we decided to head to the Fremantle Interchange, seeing as lots of buses and the train went from there. I got my numbers crossed and we didn’t jump on the next 98 that went by like we should have so got stuck until another one dropped in fifteen minutes later. Went to the Freo exchange and couldn’t find timetables for any of the relevant services coz tyhey were all out. We dropped into the tourist info place and were informed that the 155 would take us straight to Carousel.
It ran every 45 minutes.
We opted to have lunch in Freo and had a really nice lunch which for Ru and I (Tiny had piked out on the bus and gone into the pram with no drama after we’d gotten off) involved spag bog and for Pete some apparently delicious concoction involving chicken and mushrooms and possibly spinach. Oh and ice chocolate for both of us. He’d never had ice chocolate before. Sacrilege.
Headed back to Freo interchange to see wen this bus was getting there. 3:22pm. It was 2:27 at the time. We opted to go to Garden City as there were forty million buses heading there. Took the 146 to Garden City and saw the 155 heading to Freo on the way up.
Screw you too Murphy.
Got to Garden city and headed straight to Darrel Lea. Pete bought good chocolate for his friends and himself, I bought licorice for my boys and a packet of jellea babies for me. I specifically went through and found a packet with a lot of red ones. Wandered around a bit, occasionally having to drop into the change room due to Ru going on a bent with countless wees. Stopped in at Muffin Break to grab a double choc muffin each for me and Pete, a hot chocolate for me and a Babychino for Tiny. Tiny loved his babychino and he also ate one of those little packets of butter that comes with muffins and bread in cafes. Didn’t have any muffin though. Pete spent some time playing daddy and playing games with Tiny until he managed to clean Tiny’s face.
Thought we should leave as it was getting late so went to catch a bus back to my place. Initially jumped on the 881 but found out that it also didn’t go past my place, so moved up to the next stop to catch the 940 to Kardinya so we could catch the 99 from there back to my place. Didn’t have to wait long. Tiny was starting to get restless on the way back and started doing high pitched screams until I snarled at him after about twenty eight failed attempts to appeal to 2yo reason. Got off at Kardinya, had to change Smidge’s nappy again. 99 rocked up shortly after I’d finished and packed up. Jumped on that. Relatively uneventful ride home.
Walked the short distance to my street and then turned down it chatting all the way about I can’t remember what, then suddenly realised…
Make a comment, go in and greet JJ, whine about not having my wedding ring. Pete realises he doesn’t have his wallet. Search ensues. JJ and Pete head up the road with a torch to see if they can locate the wayward items. No luck. Pete is trying to make the best of the situation, observing that he has to cancel his cards, and that he needed a new wallet anyway. Fortunately he hadn’t lost his Singapore money like he thought he had, it was in his passport in his room. JJi s trying to comfort me and telling me it’s fine, it’s just a ring. I’m depressed. I put Smidge to bed and lie there depressed and crying. Quietly. Don’t feel like eating but I make myself eat, otherwise silly things happen to my blood sugar level and I pass out.
Keep happy chatting to Pete seeing as he’s leaving, so really bugger about the inconvenient timing of losing the wallet. Bye to Pete and JJ takes him to the airport. I go into full depression mode when they’re gone and my sister is having a shower and go back into neutral mode when she gets out. Still depressed. Going to ring or email Transperth and see if they can find it, might drop into Garden City and see if anyone’s turned it in. With some luck I’ve banked up enough karma that I might get it back but don’t like my chances.
Fuck, I really liked that ring :(
JJ keeps telling me it could be worse and I guess it could be, I just have this weird superstition about losing rings and their link with relationships, I gave my ex a ring and he lost it and we broke up not long after.
Eventually I’m going to splurge some money and buy a couple of items of clothing that I really liked from this shop I discovered and really liked and bought this supercool utility belt from, like that will make me happy. For now I’ll just indulge in however much chocolate I can cram in and listen to music. Can’t even cuddle with JJ coz he’s watching Naruto and it’s on my hate list.

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