posted on: Tuesday, 14 March 2006 @ 11:22pm in[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
[imported from livejournal and backdated]
If I got my dates wrong. According to Pregnancy Online week 6 brings on the morning sickness.
I’ve been feeling like crap for the past two. Nauseous, that is. I don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. And of course Josh has morning classes, so it leaves me having to deal with a 1yo that just does what he does because he’s Teeny Tiny the Eternal Cuteness and I have to try not to get snarky with him because I feel like shit.
I don’t remember other times having sex when I didn’t think it was safe, but right now i don’t remember much of anything.
Guess I’ll be toddling off to the doctor at some point to get an ultrasound to find out precisely where Smidge is at. Hope I can track down Dr Tan. He’s cool.
I should probably change these icons at some point. Think I’ll also work out how to make one of those counterbox thingies and see if I can stuff two of them into one image. That’ll be interesting. But then I’ll have two counterboxes in one image quite conveninetly for Tiny and the Smidge and can display them both at the same time with minimal code!
I can see myself in for a headache. Still have a few more things to organise, frantically trying to finish the baby board but things keep cropping up. Right now I’m hoping that the web host people will upgrade to PHP4.4.2 at least and maybe turn on exec() so I can run some modules which aren’t running properly. I didn’t really want to tell them that PHP5 stable has been out for quite a while because they seemed convinced that 4.4.1 was recent. Don’t really want to tell people how to do ther jobs, I think I’ve already inadvertantly shown one person up today. I might have to do the user table backwards and hope it works. I hate random problems.
Need to get new nappies for Tiny. Might also go shopping for that dining suite tomorrow, I think I should have just about enough money by then.
I feel crap still, been feeling crap all day. And extremely scatterbrained. Urgh.

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