posted on: Monday, 10 March 2014 @ 6:50pm inThe youngest is officially “school age” because someone in their infinite wisdom decided that Preprimary should be compulsory.
We have graduated from babies and toddlers to all “school aged” kids.
I asked him if he would like to go to school this year seeing as he was old enough. No, he says, “I want to home school.” He pronounced it carefully as two separate words. He pronounces everything carefully, maybe because he knows he stammers if he tries to talk too fast or feels flustered. He has a decent vocabulary for 5, I think, probably because he copies a lot of what comes out of the mouths of his siblings (mostly good, some reminds me that I need to watch how I talk to myself).
He transitioned to his own bed at the youngest age without too much drama, though it’s still adorable when his little feet come pitterpattering in the early hours of the morning and when I wake up properly he’s snuggled on “his” side of my bed where he slept from newborn til partway through 4. He’s the one least likely to think before acting and the most likely to get into strife and the one most likely to make us go grey before 40. He has had his front teeth pulled because he got kicked n the face by a sibling and the teeth eventually died, he has swallowed a coin and sliced his fingers open with a stick blender (but fortunately still has all of his fingers and seems to think he’s left handed now). He has attempted to open a plane emergency door at cruise altitude (he follows directions very well when he wants to). He wants to play footy like his big brother and is starting Auskick this year. We shall see if he likes it. He loves playing video games, but has trouble sometimes because he can’t read yet. He’s pretty good at maths, and learning to read is happening slowly. He loves being read to and always wants me to point at the words of whatever it is I’m reading. He is cheeky and full on and loads of fun.
His best friend is a year older than him and they are “best friends forever”. I’m glad he has one of those already, however long it lasts.

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