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Za'haran sketchies

posted on: Sunday, 12 March 2017 @ 9:10pm
Red sketchies

Sunday streaming was a bit messy today and will probably be messy over the next couple of Sundays as I continue struggling with logistics, and then will stop completely because I’m going home for a month!

Then it got cut short because there was a few too many heavy thundercracks that sounded on top of my house so I shut the computer down.

In my continued attempts to try for a sketch every day I decided to do reference/study style shots (I find those hard going as well but easier than pinups, at least they serve some kind of purpose, I am slightly addicted to storytelling I guess). It worked out pretty well for this one, got done pretty quickly.

Then I decided to colour it.

Oh well, I can call it a colour reference or something now I guess.