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Poor baby :(

Tiny's not feeling well :(

Nothing too serious I don't think, just one of those things. He has a bit of the runs and has been wanting to feed lots. I've been feeding him anywhere between every hour to his usual 3 hours. He spent most of yesterday with me asleep (Josh was an absolute sweetie and skipped all his tutes and things to stay home and take care of us, I was sick as well and completely useless), and getting his nappy changed.

When he was awake Josh put him in his sling and wore him while doing his assignment, Tao alternated between watching what Josh was doing and intently studying his cute little fingers and toes. I wanted to take a photo coz it was so damn cute but was too tired to move.


Cute little prissy face

[imported from livejournal and backdated]


Have said it once, will say it many more times

Read on the Alternative Baby forum and then heard on the news while driving back, about some mother who fell asleep with her newborn in the bed and woke up to find it dead.

That in my opinion is one of the worst possible things that could ever happen to anyone.

I feel sad for her.

The thing I'm pissed off about though is how those dumb fucktards in the media (can you tell I have next to no respect for journalists and am concerned about anyone wishing to become one, especially if they are a friend?) sensationlised the shit out of it and everyone's raving on about the dangers of co-sleeping.


Parent Group Review

[imported from livejournal and backdated]


Tooth bud

Tiny has a tooth bud just visible under his lower gum. I was wondering why he was wanting to chew on things (more specifically, his hands or my fingers). I asked Mum and she agreed with me that it was a bit too early for him to be teething, and she said sometimes their gums get a bit itchy prematurely so they just birte on things to scratch them in a sense.

I looked in his mouth coz Tiny was delivering massive gummy shark smiles and I thought I saw a hint of white under the gum.

I said to Josh without being any more specific, "I think he has a tooth bud."

Josh looked into Tiny's mouth as our son shot his daddy a massive happy gummy sharp grin complete with laugh and agreed, pointing out the tooth bud which I hadn't pointed out to him.

Could that be a reason for his mysterious fever that he had a few days ago that we put down to he might have caught whatever Josh had?


Bright Eyed Baby

[imported from livejournal and backdated]



[imported from livejournal and backdated]


Catching Up and AB Calender

Tao tried to roll over a few days ago! He didn't manage in the end but it was extremely exciting to watch ;) He was trying to push off the bed with one leg and using the other to try to kick over and get some momentum. Maybe the next time he tries he'll flick his shoulders in the same direction thus acheiving success :)

Maybe he might learn to use his head as well (literally...he has a big head).

I may be suicidal but I have taken on another project which I think is very worthwhile. I am making an Alternative Baby calender (quite sadly dubbed the ABC project, I'm so clever). It'll be something else I keep track of in this journal.


Almost forgot

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

I put Tiny on the floor today while Josh was at uni, down on his tummy coz he was being active and I thought he might like to attempt crawling again (it always frustrates him and he makes lots of noise, I'll flip him back over as or a bit before he starts crying). As soon as I put him down he lifted his head all the way up.

I was too shocked to grab the camera, and by the time I thought about it he didn't seem inclined to want to do it again.

The thing that spun me out was that both arms were by his sides, he lifted his head all the way up and his legs came up as well to counterbalance, looking kinda like a balancing banana. It was cute and funny and I wish I got a photo!

And it's bedtime for me.


Mother's Group

[imported from livejournal and backdated]