Changing the world to be ours
Monday, 8 April 2019 @ 8:10am
No story for this one as it would never happen because Jinn would never willingly do something so dangerous XD (I do have a scene where he has to dive after Zara when she jumps off a building to escape from Red, but that was out of necessity)
The idea for this came about after listening to the song “Rewrite the Stars” from The Greatest Showman:
I actually wanted to animate it and ironically probably could have animated it in the ridiculous amount of time it took me to do the comicky layout and all the associatedwork…IF I’d had the models ready to go which I don’t yet and that’s what I’m going to be getting stuck back into. Also need to fix up some stuff with the base models (mostly the shape of the hands and shorten slightly-too-long legs) and do the texture tests I want to do aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
March ProgBlog #4: aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Friday, 29 March 2019 @ 10:48pm
I got to the last frame!
And then the proverbial excrement impacted the thermantidote.
Earlier, we’d finall found a house that everyone really liked, so we’d popped an offer on, put our house on the market and started making plans. Of course, some idiot then decided they absolutely had to have it at all costs and they were able to make an unconditional offer so we were forced to withdraw by a clause in the contract which we hadn’t been particularly worried about because the house had been sitting on the market for over a hundred days and we figured if anyone had been interested it would have gone by now.
March ProgBlog #3: nearly there
Friday, 22 March 2019 @ 8:53pm
I needed a day to work on a birthday present for my favourite sibling. Prior to that, here’s about where I was up to.
Zul’jinn is done, working on Zara. These ones are pretty quick as they’re tiny. The lighting is a pain though, I don’t think it’s right but currently not sure how to fix it and I’m more interested in finishing and posting it so I can try to next slog through those boring texture tests I have to do. I’m still trying to get a close look at Zara’s tattoos, I was really hoping that it would turn out to be skin on the dragon as that would make my life so much easier but nope scales. Least they look pretty. I think the dragon has chicken legs at least which will make the scaling down them that little bit easier, the transitions are kind of doing my head in. Now all I need to work out is if it’s a mane or a dorsal spine sail fin thing down the back.
March ProgBlog #2: was this where the rail was?
Friday, 15 March 2019 @ 9:31pm
I fell so far off the track I’m not sure I’ll be able to find it again, maybe it was a cliff I plummeted off? Who thought building a railroad through this kind of territory was a good idea?
Guess I’ll just have to make yet another one. Again. There’s probably a perfectly good plain not far away that would have made for a much easier journey too.
In tonight’s work in progress shot I’m working on shadow 3 of frame 4, featuring my scribbly placeholder writing which was laid out before I knew that I was going to do this twisty perspective run on nightmarish thing with the buildings. The first two frames/sections went more or less according to plan and then after the third frame I’ve been changing text placement on the fly. It’s been working out so far.
March ProgBlog #1: after an excessive delay
Saturday, 9 March 2019 @ 7:57pm
I honestly did not mean to go this long without producing a progblog :|
I have the excuse of being on Christmas Island, hanging with family and absolutely not enjoying the experience of working on my Surface Pro (I hate Windows) in January.
In February I just totally and completely fell off the rails. 12yo deciding to do high school has basically removed 5 hours in the week that I was using to work. I got really, really stressed out to the point of it was going to get real bad real quick so I decided I really needed to do some art therapy, and went for something stupid and fluffy because it was the complete opposite of how I was feeling. It ended up being a songpic and as much hard work as Embers. I wasn’t feeling up to a progblog (and at that stage didn’t realise I had fallen back into the old habit of “well I haven’t made any worthwhile progress so I don’t want to bore anyone”) to posted a sneekypeeky to Patreon to try to make up for it.
It gets better...
Monday, 15 October 2018 @ 8:54pm
Please excuse the banding, jpg hates me sometimes.
I sent this song to a couple of friends who were having a rough time, as it’s pretty uplifting and the lyrics seem to be about not giving up no matter what life hurls at you.
TeamAustralia on steem is currently trying to fund a hayrunners truck, and the not giving up theme seemed appropriate there too.
October ProgBlog #3: momentary confusion
Friday, 12 October 2018 @ 9:55pm
I did the other two progblogs pretty much back to back and managed to forget that and thought I was doing 2 now but apparently I’m up to 3, getting old in my old age and a bit more sleep wouldn’t be remiss either.
I still have a process/progress video for Embers but I’ve decided I’m way too lazy to edit it and just need to finish Embers because it’s already November next month and while I would love to make a tiny bit more steem for hayrunners I also want to progress all the other stuff (including the stuff I’m “supposed” to be doing! XD) and end of year stuff is ramping up so things are going to get busier soon. Fortunately the gymnastics end of year display didn’t clash with the dance end of year concert!
October ProgBlog #2: nearly forgot!
Friday, 5 October 2018 @ 10:16pm
And if I don’t do it tonight it will be late again as busy weekend is busy!
The process video wasn’t done in time so it may make the next week’s progblog or alternately it may never see the light of day, depending entirely on whether or not I finish Embers over the next week. I did finish frame 3:
and started on the last…er…frame I guess even though there’s no border. It feels a lot harder I guess because I can’t remember ever doing a coloured piece with more than two characters (hell I think last year was the first time I ever did a piece with more than two characters and this one beats that one by one). I also realised I forgot Zara and Dak’s tattoos so will have to remedy that before proceeding too much further.
October ProgBlog #1: running late!
Monday, 1 October 2018 @ 6:35pm
Because I was struggling with editing the video and the spacebar on my keyboard has decided to play silly buggers, something has come loose on the right side so when I hit it on that side it doesn’t always bother to do its job and is depressing unevenly. I have had to switch to using my left hand to do space and am finding it awkward and infuriating. So I’m going to try one of those clackety mechanical monstrosities and give this one to 13yo as he has a really ancient keyboard that we had lying around and it’s a bit more worn out than this one is.
Tell me baby, what's your story?
Thursday, 25 May 2017 @ 11:36pm
Where you come from and where you wanna go this time?
Zara and Zul’jinn hanging out in a courtyard either at Zara’s aprtment complex or more likely Juan’s place.
There isn’t so much rhyme or reason to this, it just kind of happened while I was listening to the chorus of Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Tell Me Baby. As a young adult most of Zara’s gymnastics skills simply augment her fighting style but every now and again she likes to randomly show off. I think she’s going into a straddle press handstand on the wall.