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Blind push hands

Super quickie sketch before bed (and because I’m late getting to bed again (which means I’ve once more failed at trying to get to bed early, really need to stop it with the bloody late nights! XD), no story with this one, sorry.

Zara and Dak playing blind push hands during one of their common training sessions. Zara is supposed to have her goggles around her neck but I forgot to draw them before I coloured the top. Oops.

Black Fingernails wip

Worked on this the last couple of stream sessions, posted works in progress to Patreon and realised that I’ve been completely forgetting to post public wips (which is completely unsurprising as while I do post occasional works in progress they are occasional so it was actually pretty easy for me to forget with all the other stuff going on). I also wanted to show @jedau the kind of stuff that takes me forrrreeeeeeeeevvvaaaaaaarrrrrrrr XD

Pod ride

Unlike the silence of the pod, which was broken only by the pods own humming, Dakarai’s head was full of tumultuous, confused thoughts.

They’d looked. They’d kept looking. They hadn’t given up.

The last few days…or was it weeks? He wasn’t sure. Either way, it had been a seriously unpleasant blur.

He’d hurt Zara. He glanced sideways at her, perched nervously on the comfortably worn seat beside him. That had been the start of the downward spiral. They’d been training, he couldn’t understand the technique Juan was showing them. Zara picked up everything so easily. Frustration was normal, but then it had been intolerable. He hadn’t meant to hit her that hard. Then Juan had confronted him about his stim usage. Dakarai bristled slightly. Juan wasn’t his father, he didn’t have any right to tell him what to do.

Zara sketchies

Super quickie sketches of Zara, 10-11 years old doing gymnastics and probably 17 or close enough to as she is in the current block I’m working on practising a form or something. And the one in the middle because I like odd numbers and because I’m trying to work out how to convey expression with those bloody goggles covering half her face all the time!

Also, that ring hold was tough even with a base.

Thursday streaming

The plan for streaming on Thursday was do a quick sketch, then carry on with the rig test anim. That didn’t happen. What happened instead was this.

threesome wip

I don’t do anything more complex than textures for backgrounds, the bed is just one ridiculously oversized prop masquerading as a background. I don’t hink that’s going to be a normal thing either. I am not really looking forward to shading those tattoos XD

Happy silly season!

“Doesn’t that make your teeth rot?”

“It’s worse when you’re with ’em!” Andrew snickered.

Zara passed Andrew another box of decorations from the bowels of the shed, surreptitiously observing Dakarai and Megan being cute at each other on the other side of the garden. The bright orangey yellows of the Christmas bush caught her eye. Around this time of year, especially among the people that celebrated Christmas, there seemed to be a tradition of kissing under mistletoe. The whys were lost in the annals of time (unless one cared to look of course). Andrew’s ears perked up as Zara’s trademark cheeky grin suddenly crossed her face.

AER: Club Can't Handle Me

“You know I know how to make ’em stop and stare as I zone out, the club can’t even handle me right now…watchin’ you watchin’ me I go all out, the club can’t even handle me right now!”

The original idea was to the song “I Like the Way” by Bodyrockers and was going to be done in silhouette possibly with flashy background like some of the old iPod ads or the art that could be found on iTunes cards, which developed from thinking I should do a series like that of Megan dancing.

Zara and Starzone

My two characters most likely to get caught up in a rooftop firefight. A redo of the last piece I did three years ago which I wasn’t that thrilled with when I finished it.

Starzone is closer to her original design this time round mostly to show character evolution. I was under 17 when I came up with the Biker Mice fan characters so I really can’t remember what I was thinking when I decided she could normally wear clubbing gear or have those odd blades of hers. In roleplays she is usually dressed more like Zara because it’s more sensible.


Starzone is the mouse. Zara is the human. Zara uses “Starzone” as a callsign.

The original Starzone was a Biker Mice from Mars fan character done in the usual style of fan characters, she was way overpowered and Mary Sue and may have had stupid random flaws attached to not make her seem as overpowered and Mary Sue as she was. I redeveloped her a bit later and she turned out all right, though I never got around to publishing the fanfic with her and her coterie. I only roleplay her these days.

Buy me a drink first

Zul’jinn jolted internally as Megan seemed to materialise out of the crowd beside them, catching hold of Zara and pulling her close with a playful growl as she attempted to nip the smaller girl’s shoulder. Zara for her part looked completely unsurprised, casually fending off the double grope by catching Megan’s wrists, leaning back against the heart stoppingly beautiful blonde.

“Hey Megs,” she said, her voice coloured with amusement, before spinning out of Megan’s arms and turning to face her. Megan followed up, grabbing Zara’s hips and pulling her close again, this time planting a kiss on the lips.