September ProgBlog #1: getting hairy again
Sunday, 5 September 2021 @ 11:15pm
The slow and painful days are starting to become a habit I really need to snap out of. Both projects are plodding along and I’m kind of bumbling my way through everything else around them with varying degrees of success.
AER After switching back to the colour map, I attacked the shape of the dragon tattoo, adding in these little belly scale segmentation things.
Trust me it’s one of those tiny little things that you don’t notice when it’s done but that you would definitely notice if it hadn’t been done x_x
August ProgBlog #3: where did that week go?
Sunday, 29 August 2021 @ 12:22pm
It was starting and I had plans and then other stuff happened and I just kind of tried to deal with things (generally failing) so kind of just buried into music (generally looping my project playlists) and did stuff (not nearly as much as I wanted, yeh I know that’s the usual story, but it’s even less done than usual as brain is not functioning correctly at the moment, I borked) and then suddenly it was the weekend.
August ProgBlog #2: stalls and tools
Monday, 23 August 2021 @ 12:03am
It’s been a few weeks.
And then I finally got around to writing this thing, and was making some half-decent progress (while chatting to sibling dearest in our inaugural hopefully weekly project chat and progressing some other stuff as well) and then had one of those infuriating semi-frequent crashes that refuses under any circumstances to be diagnosed (it’s probably hardware because there is literally nothing that I am doing that can reproduce them reliably).
August ProgBlog #1: branching out
Sunday, 8 August 2021 @ 9:40pm
The scales are still going. The only thing that’s changed is that I’m now in the yellow PURPLE section! XD
I was in the yellow section when I was writing this progblog, I missed Friday for various reasons to intended to post over the weekend, missed the weekend for related reasons, thought I’d post on Monday, didn’t, thought fine I’ll just cram over the week and the cramming got done but I missed Friday again for very slightly associated with last weekend reasons x_x And I realised after actually looking at ko-fi that I haven’t updated for over two weeks, oops x_x (I only paid attention because they said they were letting gold members trial the tiers and that I had early access to be able to provide feedback, it was supposed to be for gold members but I’m not one so I guess there was either a slow rollout or a trial group, either way it seems to be open for everyone now). Part of the reason for that is because I was doing very short update posts on Tuesday which has now changed to working on something else day (other project or cameos which I really need to get back to as well) and I quite often will work on the Fridays til really late before I actually do and post the progblog (Friday being my designated progblog posting day) so after I’ve posted it I usually just go to bed (because it’s between midnight and 2am by then) and then forget to update when I wake up again.
July ProgBlog #4: eternal scales
Friday, 23 July 2021 @ 9:34pm
I feel like I’ve been doing this forever.
Have I mentioned how much I didn’t want to be doing this again?
On the bright side it is at least organised a lot better this time even if it’s probably overkill as far as textures are concerned, and I hope it looks better, and I’m about two thirds of the way through the yellow so I’m approaching halfway?
July ProgBlog #3: why does it have to be scales
Friday, 16 July 2021 @ 7:57pm
Once again, doing a bit more work on character portraits than 3d, because my brain just doesn’t want to deal with the scales. I eventually decided to keep my character consistent with the other ones (Captain Gundry and Bricky Steve) rather than doing the different headshots (partly because I’m kind of designing the outfit and the “weapon” which isn’t an actual weapon, just something she uses to beat people up with when she isn’t riding around on it, on the fly and mostly because it is going to take the better part of forever if I do it that way, now at least I have some idea of when I might finish).
July ProgBlog #1: tattoo artistry
Friday, 2 July 2021 @ 9:44pm
I’ve always had a great respect for tattoo artists. I may or may not have mentioned the first time I did these tattoos that that respect increased by roughly an order of magnitude because unlike me they don’t have undo buttons. And somehow can make things look good from most angles. I’m really feeling that again.
Also despite having had to do it for this version I still don’t understand how people paint from colour blocks.
Babysitting duty
Tuesday, 9 May 2017 @ 11:23am
Apparently to make sure I don’t get carried away I need to use the pencil brushes (I use the sketch and pencil brushes from David Revoy’s brushpack for Krita) rather than the ink pen brush.
A couple of old chaotic little roleplaying characters: Kit the 17yo half-Chinese red-haired Kitsune Eji in Koto form (her name is Kit Fox because I simply couldn’t resist, she copped enough flak for it as was and when she turned out to be a Kitsune she started going by her Chinese name of Yue) and Liana the 14yo Un/Seelie dragon Pooka in Fae Mien (I couldn’t decide if I wanted her to be Seelie or Unseelie so decided to see if I could go straight down the middle and it worked surprisingly well, also you’re not technically allowed to have mythological animal Pooka but the GM allowed it because Liana’s dragon form is 2m long and her breath attack is a rainbow that randomly changes the colour of whatever it touches, it does no damage except possibly to pride, and to add chaos to chaos the GM also allowed her to have a random free-Glamour power of snapping her fingers and having whatever she’s looking at change to a random colour, or if I spent a point of Glamour she could temporarily turn an inanimate object into a random other inanimate object).