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June ProgBlog #1

Friday, 1 June 2018 @ 11:48pm
I forgot to mention last update. Ages ago (6 years eep) I mashed a calendar for AER. Years later (because I always seem to notice glaring things years later, this does not bode well for whenever I finally get around to animating x_x) I suddenly realised, all the scientists in the Tranquility Calendar are guys. They were all great and interesting people but seriously? I mentioned this to darqx and said I wanted to “even” it out a bit (there’s 13 months so it’s going to be slightly lopsided but near enough is good enough as far as I’m concerned). So being the awesome sibling she is, she helped me find a whole pile of notable female scientists from a variety of fields (and by that I mean she found most of them in the time it took me to find a few because one of us can just do things and the other only just do things when the focus is there, and then I somehow had to choose which was bloody hard work).

Quickie insight into fyn's thought process, or one reason why AR is taking an inordinate amount of time to get anywhere

Saturday, 16 February 2013 @ 1:21pm
I have a “family tree” in MacFamilyTree which contains a lot of family saplings as it contains every named major and minor character and several unnamed but otherwise important ones (such as parents of siblings, as you need to list parents to be able to link people up as siblings). The main part of the family tree seems to be tracing The Art from Taha’ne through Ter’wyn down to My’rai (currently the last descendant on the list, the character is about 8-10 in my head in his current state and I also have an idea of him as a teenager but only have snippets of story for him) which is rather entertaining as there is 1723 years between them. That’s a lot of characters even given that the Dragonkin live an average of 120 years.

AR notes: mashing a calendar for AR

Friday, 4 November 2011 @ 2:18pm
Seeing as I’ve decided to use lojban as the IAL for AEfter Ragnarok (easy way to facilitate communication between people who don’t speak the same language; all people are strongly encouraged to learn their own culture, language, traditions etc first and foremost), I figured maybe I should have a “culturally neutral” (or something to that effect) global calendar as well. The calendar reform article on Wikipedia had a bunch of links to check out.