WednesdayWalk: down by the river
Thursday, 11 August 2022 @ 1:22pm
As requested by @dreemit who assures me that WednesdayWalk just has to be posted on Wednesday and doesn’t necessarily have to occur on Wednesday. As luck would have it, we actually went on a nice walkies on the correct day.
And I’m a day late for me because shenanigans happened but I have the advantage of being on the side of the world where a day late makes it on time for the other side of the world? Aargh shenanigans. It didn’t start out that way. I had taken Little Miss Puppy to my aunty’s place (having not been to see my aunty and grandmother for a couple of months because covid and colds and grandmother gets pneumonia so we don’t go there if anyone is sick just in case) and she had played forever with my aunty’s dog and been pretty knackered when we got back, so J had decided maybe we should just take her for a short stroll around the block (he also wanted his walkies).