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July ProgBlog #4: eternal scales

I feel like I’ve been doing this forever.

still drawing scales

Have I mentioned how much I didn’t want to be doing this again?

On the bright side it is at least organised a lot better this time even if it’s probably overkill as far as textures are concerned, and I hope it looks better, and I’m about two thirds of the way through the yellow so I’m approaching halfway?

July ProgBlog #3: why does it have to be scales

Once again, doing a bit more work on character portraits than 3d, because my brain just doesn’t want to deal with the scales. I eventually decided to keep my character consistent with the other ones (Captain Gundry and Bricky Steve) rather than doing the different headshots (partly because I’m kind of designing the outfit and the “weapon” which isn’t an actual weapon, just something she uses to beat people up with when she isn’t riding around on it, on the fly and mostly because it is going to take the better part of forever if I do it that way, now at least I have some idea of when I might finish).

July ProgBlog #2: tedium

There has not been a lot of progress this week, partly because I felt quite inspired by Sunday’s roleplaying game and ended up working on character portraits instead,

and mostly because I’m hand drawing the dragon scales -_-

Started off with the belly scales like

reworking dragon tattoo belly scales in Blender 2.93

and then got bored so ended up doing the entire spine/mane/fin/I don’t even know what it is anymore. But I’m still angsting about whether the purple mane is okay as is or if I should be making it a full face beard as a lot of the references I’m looking at do.

July ProgBlog #1: tattoo artistry

I’ve always had a great respect for tattoo artists. I may or may not have mentioned the first time I did these tattoos that that respect increased by roughly an order of magnitude because unlike me they don’t have undo buttons. And somehow can make things look good from most angles. I’m really feeling that again.

Also despite having had to do it for this version I still don’t understand how people paint from colour blocks.

June Progblog #3: scars and scripts

I did the scars as a bump map using bpainter. Then figured out how to string normal and bump nodes so that everything would go in nicely.

Zara's skin nodetree in Blender 2.93

Normal map texture colour out plugs in to colour in of normal map node. Normal socket out of normal map node plugs into normal in of bump map node.

June ProgBlog #2: Blender 2.92 notes - udim tiles

Alternate title: udim bulb.

That’s my poor attempt at a play on words, not mapping a bulb using udims x_x

I definitely feel like a dim bulb at the moment.

I borked something severely while messing around with multiple single tile 8k maps, udim tiles with and without 8k tiles, and an add-on that bakes to udim tiles in preparation for this very progblog and ended up doing fun things to the ram

June ProgBlog #1: always look on the bright side

The rework continues.

I finished sculpting (it was the digits that took the longest again, all 10 of them because I was working in mirror mode so the other 10 on the other side were getting done simultaneously) and baked the normal map.

The first time it was yellow apparently because I didn’t use a cage. I don’t know why one was needed but apparently it was a thing that was needed so I checked that box but got it to extrapolate 1mm or 1cm (can’t remember which) rather than making a cage mesh like I did with Red. That one came out blue/purple/pinkish like it was supposed to.

February ProgBlog #4: I see colours!

Still trying to get used to the schedule I set for myself. I’d love to say I’m getting there but I’m really not, quite the opposite in fact. I still want to kill problems and I still want to just finish whatever I’m working on at the time (which is always stuff that is going to take a long time because it’s the nature of the beast, and less common but still more common than I like, because I’ve completely misjudged how long something will take) or also infrequent but still too frequent, something goes wrong somewhere like a computer crash or Blender acting up and I’ll lose a pile of work that I then just want to get back to where I was before I stop.

October ProgBlog #2: contains an attempt at Blender 2.9 bake notes

A bit of unexpected chaos happened on Friday and it kind of wiped me out.

And then it was followed by a kind of busy weekend.

Which of course means being up kind of late Sunday night (right now) trying to bang out a progblog like people actually care about or even understand my delirious blender rambling XD

This week’s shenanigans involved trying to get the perfect bake once I figured out how to bake. I could not get the perfect bake and I suspect it’s either something to do with my cage mesh or blender is super aggressively caching something or some combination thereof. So in the interests of getting the hell on with it I managed to blunder my way to a good enough bake and hopefully I’ll figure it out down the line.

October ProgBlog #1: rig testing

Missed a week again, oops :S I was supposed to post on the weekend I posted the last songpic but stuff happened, just not that.

Over the last week I finally managed to finish the retopo and apparently it has 8k odd faces with the mirror modifier, more once the subd modifier gets turned on, and probably more again when I get around to applying the mirror modifier which will probably be pretty soon (after I version save XD). I then chucked a rig in it and tried it out.