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October ProgBlog #4: "I just wanted a nice render..."

Late progblog is late again but that’s nothing new. This time was an interesting combination of I had to go in to work early and completely forgot to start (I’ll usually make a start on writing in the morning, pick at it throughout the day and then finish up at night when I get back from work and do super basic if any edits) and then because I’m really close, figured I’ll just get a render done to use as a cover image because I’ve been doing my usual doing a lot but nothing to show for it thing.

October ProgBlog #3: geared up


Spent today trying to catch up with the last couple of weekend’s worth of work and I have now almost completed the three main items that Yue carries around with her (partly because they’re things that she uses very regularly and mostly because they’re kind of a security blanket).

First is the airfoil, which is a sword when folded up:

Yue's airfoil folded into a sword

and a giant fan that she can both fight with and glide on (skaterpunk Yue’s skateboard wasn’t going to work in an airship setting, and I went with a variation of the Talespin “airfoil” rather than the slightly more sensical Avatar: The Last Airbender glider partly because ridiculous steampunk anime, partly keeping some aspects of Skaterpunk Yue and mostly because I hate staff x_x).

October ProgBlog #2: the stupid things I do

I still do too many stupid things to count. This is just one of them.

painting uv map in Krita

No not that in particular, that’s just my attempt at approximating Chinese brush painting (I have exactly no idea so I watched some tutorials, and I still have no idea). The *actual *stupid thing is this.

airfoil uv map

That at the top is a copy of my rough sketch (the original has been turned off on the upside down one) and I’m going to repaint it. Because Yue’s airfoil has the same design painted on both sides but as they would have been painted independently rather than the cheat way of just rotating the image like a sensible person would do, that’s what I’m doing for accuracy -_-

October ProgBlog #1: Toolsday

So, with the sheer volume of stuff happening on the weekend (work, training and roleplaying), it will probably come as a surprise to exactly no one that I’m struggling to get progblogs out on those days.

Additionally despite knowing from a ridiculous amount of previous experience that it leads to burnout and intense slowdown at best (I can feel how slow I’m moving and it’s annoying me no end) and downtime at worst, I cut into sleep time again because it’s the easiest thing to cut x_x

September ProgBlog #4: shifting patterns

The weather finally warmed up enough that I was able to make it to training (late as per usual because the time I would have to leave to get there on time is about when I’m waking up x_x but better late than never?). I fell into old habits and doing low stances after three months of not training at all is generally not the best idea, I was somewhat stiff and sore afterwards XD and then the following day we went on an 8km hike because yes.

September ProgBlog #3: another slow week

It’s been a busy weekend with states competitions, following a busy week of training and preparing for states competitions. We had to skip roleplaying (for the third or fourth time in a row, previously people had been staggering being sick x_x) and there were 5-5:30am starts on Saturday and Sunday x_x as 14yo and I were getting picked up at 6am by the head coach. 16yo was sick for regionals and bailed out of states (because it’s been a weird year some people that missed out on regionals due to illness or quarantine were allowed to apply to do states and most were accepted, he now regrets doing so, told him to make up for it next year). 14yo had an amazing day on Friday; managing third on vault and beam, equal first on floor with one of her friends, and third all around. On Saturday were just there as cheer squad. My level 3 and 4 boys did pretty well on Sunday with all of them getting at least one medal.

September ProgBlog #1: getting hairy again

The slow and painful days are starting to become a habit I really need to snap out of. Both projects are plodding along and I’m kind of bumbling my way through everything else around them with varying degrees of success.


After switching back to the colour map, I attacked the shape of the dragon tattoo, adding in these little belly scale segmentation things.


Trust me it’s one of those tiny little things that you don’t notice when it’s done but that you would definitely notice if it hadn’t been done x_x

August ProgBlog #3: where did that week go?

It was starting and I had plans and then other stuff happened and I just kind of tried to deal with things (generally failing) so kind of just buried into music (generally looping my project playlists) and did stuff (not nearly as much as I wanted, yeh I know that’s the usual story, but it’s even less done than usual as brain is not functioning correctly at the moment, I borked) and then suddenly it was the weekend.

August ProgBlog #2: stalls and tools

It’s been a few weeks.

And then I finally got around to writing this thing, and was making some half-decent progress (while chatting to sibling dearest in our inaugural hopefully weekly project chat and progressing some other stuff as well) and then had one of those infuriating semi-frequent crashes that refuses under any circumstances to be diagnosed (it’s probably hardware because there is literally nothing that I am doing that can reproduce them reliably).

August ProgBlog #1: branching out

The scales are still going. The only thing that’s changed is that I’m now in the yellow PURPLE section! XD

I was in the yellow section when I was writing this progblog, I missed Friday for various reasons to intended to post over the weekend, missed the weekend for related reasons, thought I’d post on Monday, didn’t, thought fine I’ll just cram over the week and the cramming got done but I missed Friday again for very slightly associated with last weekend reasons x_x

And I realised after actually looking at ko-fi that I haven’t updated for over two weeks, oops x_x (I only paid attention because they said they were letting gold members trial the tiers and that I had early access to be able to provide feedback, it was supposed to be for gold members but I’m not one so I guess there was either a slow rollout or a trial group, either way it seems to be open for everyone now). Part of the reason for that is because I was doing very short update posts on Tuesday which has now changed to working on something else day (other project or cameos which I really need to get back to as well) and I quite often will work on the Fridays til really late before I actually do and post the progblog (Friday being my designated progblog posting day) so after I’ve posted it I usually just go to bed (because it’s between midnight and 2am by then) and then forget to update when I wake up again.