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June Homeschooling Miscellany

As it turned out the other 7yo’s pre-soaked pea (near the green stick) hadn’t “drownded”, it had just been taking its sweet time sprouting.

Sprouting pea plants in pot

He’s been doing a pretty good job of remembering to water them every few days with little to no prompting/reminding. He also decided to do some of his iPad work with an added challenge, while “disguised” in the box he’d cut holes in to make a robot/box troll/etc kind of outfit for himself.

May Homeschooling Miscellany

11yo's drawing of Sans from Undertale on the whiteboard

11yo’s drawing of Sans from Undertale on the whiteboard

J and 7yo playing Shadows Over Camelot

JJ and 7yo playing Shadows Over Camelot. 11yo and 9yo are off frame waiting for their turn. I’m obviously taking the photo. The game is fun and a little bit involved and is cooperative rather than competitive (unless someone turns out to be the traitor!).

February Homeschooling Miscellany

We took a fishing trip to Jurien but once again were not able to go out in the boat due to the howling winds. The boys went fishing off the jetty, JJ caught a blowfish and the same seafull four times. I caught some godrays and the kids checked out a sundial. There wasn’t enough sun to see what time the sundial thought it was, 11yo tried to take a guess based on the position of the sun while explaining how the sundial worked to 6yo.

October Homeschooling Miscellaney 2

Might try to do these as monthly things rather than semi-random ones.

Firstly, we are chick central again. About three clutches with 7-10 chicks in each one. Chappie’s family want some of the naked necks. This was the first lot. Idiot hen had gone next door to brood, kids heard the cheeping and went next door to investigate. Neighbour was astonished as she hadn’t even realised they were there behind the shed, and just as well they’d only hatched that morning as she’d been dogsitting and the dog had left earlier in the day.

Homeschooling miscellany

Another collection of stuff that I usually don’t get around to posting at the time either due to being in the middle of something or because it was a little thing.

Banana and tooth pick sculpture made by 10yo

Banana and toothpick sculpture made by 10yo

10yo and 8yo with sculpture made of apple and toothpicks

Apple and toothpick sculpture made by 10yo

Massive Christmas Island Photopost 2014-15

Minimal text, many photos, some videos. Mishmash of scenic, happysnaps and homeschooling stuff coz that’s how we roll. Grab a drink and a snack before commencing.

First couple of weeks…

Waiting for plane at Perth International Airport, Western Australia

The airport wait wasn’t terribly exciting but at least there were planes to watch being loaded, taking off and landing.

Semi-rural days

We’ve had a couple of days going semi-rural this week. The first was a picnic at a friend’s 12 acre block in Bullsbrook where a great time was had by all children and I caught an awesome photo of my friends’ kids and pretended to be closer to a master of iPhone camera composition.

kids silhouetted on top of a hill

Pretended to be closer to a master as it was a very, very quick “whip phone out of pocket aim try to get horizon lines and vague rule of thirds thing happening press button before kids move” kinda photo.

Mundaring Sculpture Park and Weir

Last time we were out this way was a few years ago for a Truffle Festival. This time round we came out this way on the weekly excursion (which he hadn’t done for a couple of weekends due to some major works including replacing the fence out the front and helping friends lay some cable to a shed) and because 7yo heard there was an art gallery.

We stopped by the “village” to pick up maps and things for 7yo’s collection and she also bought a butterfly spotter’s book and to hit up the bakery for lunch. We took the food to the Sculpture Park and the kids had a play at the playground before we checked out the sculptures, read and followed the track up to where there were some rail switching levers and an amphitheatre. 7yo put a performance on the old platform (now a stage).

Duplo tablet stand

5yo likes to watch mocies on his tablets when he’s eating alone, but sometimes struggles to hold the tablet up with one hand, and often gets told off for gooping up the tablet if he uses both hands to eat for whatever reason (I’ve also tried not allowing him to have the tablet while eating but that doesn’t always work). Yesterday after watching 5yo struggling to eat a bowl of pasta while watching a movie, 9yo built him a tablet stand out of Duplo:

Aviation Heritage Museum of WA and Army Museum of WA photo post

On two different weekends, we hit up the Aviation Heritage Museum of WA in Bull Creek and the Army Museum of WA

in Fremantle. I think the boys got more out of those trips than the girl did so next stop might have to be the Perth Museum (she has a special liking for the butterfly corridor) or Art Gallery and I suppose SciTech or the Zoo can also be considerations, somewhere she enjoys at any rate. Both these places are great, the guides are extremely helpful and are often floating not far away and are happy to answer everything about everything.