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Happy Silly Season 2019

Tuesday, 31 December 2019 @ 12:39pm
I wasn’t sure if I would manage a silly season shenanigans this year but successfully squizzled one in. No story, just Taji and Rei spending silly season at the beach as a lot of people living along the coast of Australia do, and building a sandman because it’s summer. There was a bit of fun and games with this one as the dull mix brush (from a brushpack I downloaded) was feeling a bit awkward in one of the Krita point updates and I couldn’t work out why. I temporarily replaced it with a wet bristles brush but could not get my brain to cooperate with it. I ended up booting the wet bristles brush out of my popup palette and deciding to use the the basic brush (that I use to colour because it’s therapeutic even though selecting and filling areas would be a lot quicker) to cel shade which I haven’t done for literal decades. It didn’t look terrible.