February ProgBlog #4: making a thing
Friday, 28 February 2020 @ 10:43pm
The sculpt repairs are coming along slowly and painfully but otherwise looking all right.
The areas I’ve cleaned up have got bigger triangles/more grey area, black bits are super dense mesh. I did actually do part of the face but from quite close, it was a lot darker than that before. The blotchy spots are the bits that were giving me grief in 3d Coat. Sometimes if I go over them enough times with the clean clay brush (doesn’t seem to matter what the setting is) they sometimes will eventually separate from the main mesh which will then let me objectify them and delete them when they go to their own layers. Most of the time all that happens is that holes form in the mesh and I can’t always close them and everything gets violently pulled out of shape and then the other side is destroyed. This is what I get for not working with virtual mirrors (because I keep switching sides because sometimes some things are more comfortable on one side than the other).
February ProgBlog #2: look at this beautiful thing!
Saturday, 15 February 2020 @ 12:59pm
The default setting where it’s just gently scrolling left to right is my favourite though it can also spiral and “rain” (where keys randomly light up in a rain hitting the ground kind of pattern). My old keyboard had a few issues but otherwise still worked perfectly fine (the biggest issues I had were it was a lot harder than I like so my typing speed was greatly reduced as I had to pound the keys, I like just touching them and getting a response, and the right side of the spacebar had popped off so I had to switch to using my left thumb which is the off side for space) but J somehow got the idea that it was well on the way out and bought me that as a wide margin birthday present (no I’m not telling you when that is but it’s definitely not yet XP).
February ProgBlog #1: pingpong
Friday, 7 February 2020 @ 9:56pm
On Tuesday I posted this screenie of Zara in showoff pose on ko-fi
and that’s where I’m still currently stuck while the next few moves work themselves out in my head.
It was a good excuse to jump back to Red and redo the retopo. My edge loops are probably not the best right now but they were a lot worse on my original retopo, no wonder I was having so much trouble with deformations. Not to mention it was probably a lot heavier than it should have been. Having said that it was kind of an experiment in seeing if I could get high poly to work and I’m not smart enough so I’ll stick with mid poly and subdivision surfaces. And fix all the edge loops while I’m about it because there was no coming back from that one.
January ProgBlog #4: fixer uppers
Friday, 31 January 2020 @ 10:14pm
I thought I was pretty much done with Zara aside from wardrobe (which I can build out as I proceed through scripts) when I remembered that the goggles are an essential piece of kit as she’s blind in the light without them.
Then I spent way too long staring at her for a bit before sending a screenie to Sprat asking if the eyes were too far apart. She confirmed that they were and that I should also maybe move the mouth up a tiny bit. So I did.
January ProgBlog #3: dark alleyways
Saturday, 25 January 2020 @ 3:40pm
Last night was an exercise in frustration. There was a bunch of chores to finish up, and then all I wanted to do was some art and to hopefully get the progblog knocked out before it got too late.
Instead of spending a couple of hours being able to work solidly after putting youngest to bed (the two bigs had gone off on yet another sleepover), I ended up fiddling around with the material for Zara’s eyes in an attempt to make them reflective for maybe half an hour to an hour, and then the rest of the time trying to recover/work with one crash that happened during a test render (which is extremely inconvenient given this is what I got the rig for but sadly not that unusual) and a weird drama where the keyboard and mouse stopped being useful (both mouse and stylus would move the cursor but clicks were ignored, and all input keyboard was ignored except for switching terminals, and then it would work perfectly fine in another terminal) that resulted in me downing tools for the night (angrily hard shutting down the rig and leaving it off overnight which I don’t recall ever doing before).
January ProgBlog #2: shenanigans, shenanigans!
Friday, 17 January 2020 @ 6:01pm
Or: why fyn has a ridiculously comprehensive and detailed head universe.
Like all good stories, it started off innocently enough. I finished eyebrows and eyelashes and did some super quickie expression tests:
My lights are really close and pretty bright hence the intense reflection, if they’re still too reflective under normal lighting conditions I’ll have to fiddle with the node a bit more.
January ProgBlog #1: really, really easing back in
Friday, 10 January 2020 @ 10:51pm
I was optimistic and tried but as expected it took me longer to ease back in than I wanted.
And then I injured my right thumb cleaning the stove and had a couple of days where holding the pen was painful (but towards the end of Day 0 and yesterday I tried anyway, today was better).
Currently working on trying to get Zara’s hair sorted. Took me a bit to remember how to x-mirror around the 3d cursor and even then because I hadn’t applied the transforms to the curves the mirrored copies were wonkered. Which was fine as I only wanted the same number of guides on both sides and didn’t want the hairstyle to be symmetrical, but it’s a bit of work adjusting.
December ProgBlog #3: winding down a bit
Saturday, 21 December 2019 @ 10:23pm
Even though we haven’t gone away this Christmas and are only doing a couple of gatherings, I’ve still managed to completely fail to get anything worthwhile done when I have been able to do anything. Last night I fell into a pit and after my computer decided to randomly crash (again) and I had to redo a whole pile of work, I ended up not even attempting the progblog and just crawling into bed to sulk.
December ProgBlog #2: not much prog to blog :S
Friday, 13 December 2019 @ 9:24pm
Most of this week has been taken up doing last second Christmas-related stuff that I’d forgotten (I’m pretty sure this is the first year I thought I better do a list for next year, in my defence it’s the first time I’ve had to keep track of enough people to require a list), so work fell by the wayside a little bit.
I managed to start on the hair and rig the crest.
December ProgBlog #1: kerbstomped by silly season
Friday, 6 December 2019 @ 11:34pm
I shall do my utmost to keep up but this year silly season is seriously kerbstomping me x_x
And I don’t think staying up late is helping that much but it feels like it is.
We seem to be rigging all right, I did some big motions with limbs and turned her into a pretzel and here I was playing around with small expressions.
Split the panels just so I could show the non-animators among us the puppet controls and the result.