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September ProgBlog #2: off on a slight tangent

Saturday, 8 September 2018 @ 9:36am
Only a very slight one though. This is the first of four panels on that rather large songpic that escaped from my head (that obnoxious white line on the left is the frame border). Think I’ve levelled up or at least gained a lot of xp with shadowing as normally I still need the lineart layer after light and shadow 1 but it’s currently off, guess dark scenes are good for something XD (or maybe I should just not be so afraid of the shadow layers in day scenes).

September ProgBlog #1

Saturday, 1 September 2018 @ 11:15am
Small victory for having made all the progblogs last month! We’ve had awesome fun times with everyone in the house except me (so far touch wood aargh) succumbing to this rather awful gastro over the course of the week, so in fairness not quite as much done as I would have liked to do (even though I whined about my glacial speed at the time), but slow progress is better than no progress!

August ProgBlog #4: Rollin rollin rollin

Friday, 24 August 2018 @ 8:51pm
I needed a break from technical stuff, so I started sculpting Zara. I don’t know why I always start with eyebrows, I just do, so I did the eyebrows, but then deviated from my usual of going down the nose and doing the face and bounced over to doing the ears. Probably because hers are a bit pointy. The point is tricky as the Avians have an obvious point but their ears aren’t nearly as big as the Dragonkin ears. She doesn’t look like anyone yet but we’ll get there, hopefully in less time than it took to do Red as she’s got the standard amount of limbs and I don’t completely suck at retopo and uv unwrapping anymore (even though I still don’t like either of them XD).

My stances are better than yours

Monday, 18 June 2018 @ 4:04pm
Zul’jinn had seen the water fight starting as he’d been swimming in from his wingboarding lesson with Mu’tai, and it was in full swing by the time he got to his chosen vantage point, comfortably chest deep in the pleasantly cool turquoise water. Anyone could be easily forgiven for thinking there was a severe mismatch going on between the combatants; comprising of the whiplike Avian Saun’de with the pocket rocket half-Avian Zara perched easily on his shoulders, versus the intimidating bulk of the Dragonkin Kae’lin with the buff Damian precariously and awkwardly balanced atop his.

June ProgBlog #3: Noob Errors!

Saturday, 16 June 2018 @ 6:42pm
Obviously, I haven’t done uv mapping for a while. Last time was three years ago (jeez I’m so slow aargh it’s too late for me save yourselves). So while I remembered how they worked and seem to have gotten better at actually making/unwrwapping them, I managed to completely forget what they were. So when I was setting up the paint object, I automatically selected the largest they had available (16k), because in Krita I always paint on 16bit canvases.

Stars Glow

Wednesday, 13 September 2017 @ 7:37pm
Switch on the sky and the stars glow for you Go see the world coz it’s all so brand new Don’t close your eyes coz your future is ready to shine It’s just a matter of time before we learn how to fly Welcome to the rhythm of the night There’s something in the air you can’t deny… Owl City: When Can I See You Again Saving as a png ate my colours again. I really need a 16bit image format that browsers can understand.

Neopolitan (partial nudity)

Wednesday, 7 June 2017 @ 10:20am
This has been the better part of a week in the making. Almost full days because I stupidly thought that I would get it done next session. I now have headache-caused-by-terrible-posture and my neck is violently out again. Pro-tip: do not spend hours a day hunched over a tablet. And while I’m not completely happy with it I’m happy enough to post it. And obviously I need a hell of a lot more practice with dark scenes.

In the heat of summer sunshine

Saturday, 27 May 2017 @ 11:37pm
I miss you like nobody else. The memorial forest was quiet. It usually was, especially at this time of day. Walking on autopilot with her head down, Zara unerringly wended her way to the tree she wanted. The markers were all identical; elegant stone slabs extending a metre and a half out of the ground in their neat little rows. The trees were a bit more individual, growing wild and free. The marker simply said “In loving memory”. Zara absently touched the screen on the top of the marker. It brought up a timeline of all the people that had been buried under that tree.

Tell me baby, what's your story?

Thursday, 25 May 2017 @ 11:36pm
Where you come from and where you wanna go this time? Zara and Zul’jinn hanging out in a courtyard either at Zara’s aprtment complex or more likely Juan’s place. There isn’t so much rhyme or reason to this, it just kind of happened while I was listening to the chorus of Red Hot Chilli Peppers: Tell Me Baby. As a young adult most of Zara’s gymnastics skills simply augment her fighting style but every now and again she likes to randomly show off. I think she’s going into a straddle press handstand on the wall.

Stag leap

Friday, 12 May 2017 @ 4:18pm
I dashed this one off instead of doing things I should have been doing. I’m such a rebel. The pony stag leap was so much…er…fun that I decided to do the human version as well. Well before she was a thief and a vigilante, Zara was a gymnast. The stag leap was one of her favourite jumps, though she doesn’t do it often anymore, in favour of her favourite flip, the split-legged back sault which she happily adapted into her signature backflip kick.