Did someone say dino nuggets?
Tuesday, 29 December 2020 @ 3:57pm
Did a shenanigans comic for Silly Season Shenanigans for a change partly because it’s been a while since I did a comic and mostly because this happened on Christmas Day.
I really need to find out what’s going on with Linux Krita (unless the problem has been fixed in the system update/s that will probably be waiting for me when we get back to Perth), as exporting to jpg with MacOS Krita is working exactly as it’s supposed to.
Thursday, 13 February 2020 @ 9:10am
13yo really hates spiders. Even microscopic ones. “Why do they have to move?” XD
The spider in question in this case was a tiny little thing just visible to the naked eye that was crawling along the esky lid as we were getting ready to go to a barbeque.
This work by ryivhnn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Common confusion
Thursday, 30 January 2020 @ 5:44pm
Amusement while I was walking the dog.
When you’re somewhat androgynous, this is a thing that happens frequently. I enjoy it way too much.
Especially when there are small children who are too young to realise some questions are apparently “inappropriate” and flat out ask me “are you a boy or a girl?” and I’ll usually answer something along the lines of it either/or, doesn’t really bother me, depends on the day, or if I’m feeling particularly playful, tell them I’m undecided that day and maybe they could suggest something. It’s even funnier when their parents are around as some of them are absolutely mortified and start apologising profusely (I have to find it funny because otherwise trying to make them understand that I literally don’t care would be frustrating).
Scale issues
Tuesday, 2 July 2019 @ 2:10pm
See what I have to put up with?
See what my poor family have to put up with? XD
I’m having scale issues in both senses of the word. For whatever reason, when importing a model from Blender, it’s microscopic in 3dC. What I did with Red was to just enlarge the model til it was big enough to work on, then send it back, where it was (strangely) way, way, way too big in Blender (I think he was close to 1km high before I resized him). Then it didn’t help that the vertices were apparently somehow too close together for the auto weight mapping so I had to enlarge it again just enough for that to work (because manually weight mapping rigs from the outset is the definition of tedious) and then shrink it agan.
So my car got broken into the other day...
Saturday, 28 July 2018 @ 10:45am
To avoid the incident happening I shouldn’t have stayed for adult gym, but then the kids wouldn’t have gotten the things they got. And I think the only reason we caught him to to begin with was because I was actually in a hurry to leave, usually we all stand around chitchatting for 5-10mins before scattering to the four winds.
FAQ Why didn’t you knock the guy out/beat him up? I had every intention of disabling the guy and then calling the cops. But logic brain kicked in as I was approaching and gave him some warning (“OI!”) and continued grappling with the rest of the brain which was still following through with the original plan when he completely failed to notice I was coming (I wasn’t even being quiet). Eventually logic brain pointed out that because I was that mad, “disabling” could mean “submission pin” or it could mean “is going to end up with a concussion” or it could mean “all the limbs are broken possibly a few times”, and I probably wouldn’t remember at what point that happened, and I don’t have time for the kind of trouble that could get me into.
ko sipna 2 sequel
Sunday, 19 July 2015 @ 9:51pm
10yo: can I do memrise?
Me: no. Go to sleep.
10yo: por favor?
Me: no. Go to sleep.
10yo: can I go give Daddy a cuddle?
Me: no. Go to sleep.
10yo: por favor?
Me: na go’i ko sipna
6yo: what does that mean?
Me: no. go to sleep!
I wanted to wrangle the permission attitudinal in there but couldn’t recall it off the top of my head. Also needed an .i but eh.
Clippy pasta
Tuesday, 2 June 2015 @ 11:22pm
[2/06/2015 11:08:56 pm] ryivhnn: Chrome is pretty good about being up to w3c standards so it ignores a lot of the -webkit- stuff
[2/06/2015 11:09:05 pm] ryivhnn: Safari still needs a bit of help though coz it’s special
[2/06/2015 11:10:45 pm] Darqx: it’s just apple
[2/06/2015 11:10:48 pm] Darqx: apple is special
[2/06/2015 11:10:55 pm] Darqx: i am getting so sick of the apple issues at school OTL
[2/06/2015 11:11:42 pm] ryivhnn: LoL
[2/06/2015 11:11:57 pm] Darqx: it’s so annoying
[2/06/2015 11:12:06 pm] ryivhnn: they’ll bring in Clippy soon. just wait.
[2/06/2015 11:12:14 pm] Darqx: it doesnt happen as often after i implemented the logout hook but occassionally still
[2/06/2015 11:12:15 pm] Darqx: omg
[2/06/2015 11:12:17 pm] ryivhnn: “it looks like you’re trying to log out! would you like some help with that?"
[2/06/2015 11:12:26 pm] Darqx: “LOL PYSCHE”
[2/06/2015 11:12:33 pm] Darqx: psychotic clippy
[2/06/2015 11:12:37 pm] ryivhnn: RoFL
[2/06/2015 11:12:50 pm] Darqx: Y O U C A N N E V E R L O G O U T
[2/06/2015 11:13:14 pm] Darqx: suddenly clippy mutliplies all of the screen
[2/06/2015 11:13:37 pm] Darqx: covers up the apple logo so you cant force quit
[2/06/2015 11:13:43 pm] Darqx: the spinning beach ball happens
[2/06/2015 11:13:52 pm] Darqx: you try and shut the computer down
[2/06/2015 11:14:19 pm] Darqx: but every time you turn it back on it’s just your frozen screen with clippy staring at you like @u@
[2/06/2015 11:14:47 pm] Darqx: you’ve tried throwing the computer away but it keeps appearing on your desk the next day
[2/06/2015 11:15:02 pm] Darqx: one night you run over it in your car and bury it in a landfill
[2/06/2015 11:15:03 pm] ryivhnn: bahahahahaha you should write it as a pasta XD
[2/06/2015 11:15:15 pm] Darqx: but then you wake up the next morning AND THERE IT IS, AT THE FOOT OF YOUR BED. CLIPPY. CLIPPY
[2/06/2015 11:15:38 pm] ryivhnn: or just do it your way and have it as an amusing and vaguely horrifying comic
[2/06/2015 11:15:48 pm] Darqx: the next morning they find your dessicated corpse with the words YOU ARE NOW LOGGED OUT written in blood on the wall behind you
I want to see your horrendous mistake!
Monday, 13 April 2015 @ 8:22pm
I had spent a decent amount of time regaling 10yo with hilarious episodes of my 3d experimentations revolving around the shenanigans that can happen when one doesn’t parent controllers properly or grabs bones instead of controllers by accident and stuff like that. Then to prove that parents don’t know everything I showed him that I was researching some way to use a complete dynatopo sculpt rather than finishing off the multires one I was working on. While talking to him I started fixing up some errors I hadn’t noticed in the dynatopo sculpt at the time and zoomed out a bit too far, causing a brush stroke to remove too much detail over the bit I brushed over. I cried out “OH CRAP” and promptly hit the undo combo. 10yo came scurrying into the room crying “WAIT I WANT TO SEE YOUR HORRENDOUS MISTAKE!”
Sprat does not share my scss enthusiasm
Saturday, 7 April 2012 @ 8:22am
[reformatted the code during migration to make it slightly easier to read, this was a copy/paste from some text conversation and all formatting was lost]
ryivhnn 6/04/12 10:23 PM hee hee other cool thing with sass, i do this:
@mixin inline-block { display: inline-block; margin: 0 -2px; vertical-align: top; } and then when i need things inline-blocked etc (in a few places) i do:
#container { .stuff-what-needs-inlining { @include inline-block; } } Darqx 6/04/12 10:24 PM i look at that and see what looks to be php mixed with css and want to run away screaming