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AER Cameo: Sea Shepherd for @ammonite

Saturday, 20 March 2021 @ 10:51pm
I swear I did not forget about the crowd cameos I still have (there’s now two left on my list), I’ve been waiting for @ammonite to get back to me as I tend to do them in the order I get them and then I realised a lot of time had passed x_x So I decided that he was going to be a Selkie sea shepherd of some description (he’s working with some dolphins here, I guess they herd fish or something, so I guess he’d technically be a fisherd?). The four tentacles on his head are prehensile and I should have probably set them slightly further back and made them a bit thicker, might do that in the 3d model. When out of the water and not otherwise in use they curl into the ammonite spiral resting against his back. Being a slightly deeper water mer than Forest Fish (who seems to live in a river in a forest or mangrove or something to that effect), the Sea Shepherd would probably keep the wetsuit on during extended periods out of the water to keep his skin from drying out and to regulate body temperature. Like most mers he’d probably just gad about naked (at least in their temperature ranges) otherwise.


Tuesday, 16 May 2017 @ 3:33pm
Apparently there’s a thing called MerMay going on where people are trying to draw merfolk this month. Seemed as good an excuse as any to draw a Selkie as they are in the AER-verse. The Selkies and Nereids are water-based Evolved. The Selkies breathe air, some of them can speak Cetacean and are usually able to flop around on land (to some value). They dehydrate really easily and need to either drink a lot or be wet down on occasion. The Nereids have gills and will drown/suffocate out of water. Like their Terran based counterparts, they vary widely in phenotype. This one in particular is a redesign of an old character who was originally a gang member/antagonist in one of the early version of the scripts. The three members of that gang got scrapped as I simplified the scene they were supposed to be involved in down by quite a lot. The only thing that really stayed constant were the head spikes, the flipper feet, webbed hands and fin ears are new, because I didn’t think things through as well (or too much) as I do now. He has a bit of difficulty manuvering on land, water is his element, oddly :)