May ProgBlog #2: character roll
Friday, 8 May 2020 @ 8:22pm
There’s really not a lot of prog to blog as I’m well and truly stuck again. Very slowly doing the step by step caching physics thing to frame 0 (something keeps going wrong and making me have to start again and it’s not fun for anyone) which is exactly what I was doing last week.
@rainite asked me about my characters on Discord and I said I’d done a few and would so a summary post for them, and figured I may as well chuck it in this progblog because it’s kind of prog (just over a longer period than a week) rather than making a separate summary post (which feels like cheating because I’ve posted all of these pics before, if it’s in a progblog as a progress thing it feels slightly less like cheating even though it’s basically the same thing, see it’s this kind of logic that allows people to justify idiocy).
Don't look back
Monday, 29 January 2018 @ 12:03pm
Blood. Everywhere.
Blade’s hulking form was crumpled in a pool of it.
The initial adrenaline rush, bordering on painful when it had spurred him into panicked, unthinking action, was subsiding now. Trix clung to the bloodied katana like his life still depended on it, his mind struggling to comprehend the enormity of the situation before him.
They stayed there, the three of them, in a moment that lasted forever. Trix with the murder weapon. Blade, the not-so-innocent victim. Sable, curled up in a corner.