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BMJ requested a springbok holding a shot glass and a rugby ball for a mascot for one of the communities he’s in. He got a bonus two because I had some fun ideas. I wasn’t going to do any shading but felt that they needed that something extra. Haven’t done cel shading for a while but it worked out better than expected, partially helped by learning how to handle the new Krita brushes.

Come on in, the water's fine! :D

Special request for @kubbyelizabeth! And a reminder of what happens when fyn gets carried away with ideas ;D I’ve done progblogs for this one so just included detail shots, though can do the whole shebang in one if that’s what people want. Additionally there was supposed to be a process video for this but my computer crashed while I was recording one of the sessions which corrupted that video so I spat it and gave up on that one.

Water's Fine progblog #1

Got this request on Discord from @kubbyelizabeth: Happy to help out a steemate where I can, I agreed and asked her what she would like me to draw. The answer: and then when I asked when she needed it by, it was along the lines of “whenever it’s done”. Easiest client in the universe to work for! XD Steemit has this analogy with the steempower, where the plentiful new accounts with not much power (such as yours truly) are referred to as “minnows”, holders of more SP are called “dolphins” and so of course the people with stonking huge wallets are “whales”.