May ProgBlog #2: character roll
Friday, 8 May 2020 @ 8:22pm
There’s really not a lot of prog to blog as I’m well and truly stuck again. Very slowly doing the step by step caching physics thing to frame 0 (something keeps going wrong and making me have to start again and it’s not fun for anyone) which is exactly what I was doing last week.
@rainite asked me about my characters on Discord and I said I’d done a few and would so a summary post for them, and figured I may as well chuck it in this progblog because it’s kind of prog (just over a longer period than a week) rather than making a separate summary post (which feels like cheating because I’ve posted all of these pics before, if it’s in a progblog as a progress thing it feels slightly less like cheating even though it’s basically the same thing, see it’s this kind of logic that allows people to justify idiocy).
Happy Silly Season 2019
Tuesday, 31 December 2019 @ 12:39pm
I wasn’t sure if I would manage a silly season shenanigans this year but successfully squizzled one in. No story, just Taji and Rei spending silly season at the beach as a lot of people living along the coast of Australia do, and building a sandman because it’s summer.
There was a bit of fun and games with this one as the dull mix brush (from a brushpack I downloaded) was feeling a bit awkward in one of the Krita point updates and I couldn’t work out why. I temporarily replaced it with a wet bristles brush but could not get my brain to cooperate with it. I ended up booting the wet bristles brush out of my popup palette and deciding to use the the basic brush (that I use to colour because it’s therapeutic even though selecting and filling areas would be a lot quicker) to cel shade which I haven’t done for literal decades. It didn’t look terrible.
October ProgBlog #4: cartwheels are harder than spins
Saturday, 20 October 2018 @ 10:12am
And that’s pretty much the extent of this progblog XD
This week has been pretty slow on all fronts. 9yo had a cold again so we couldn’t go out and do much, so we just chilled and reconnected, which of course meant not much work getting done. It also wasn’t helped by having to make a hundred million phone calls to government departments. I don’t do phones so it was exhausting and I had to go hide for a little while afterwards. I did get some villainous upgoats done, but even though I made some big swatches it didn’t occur to me that I’d end up with a foxgoat til after I’d done it. Sigh.
October ProgBlog #3: momentary confusion
Friday, 12 October 2018 @ 9:55pm
I did the other two progblogs pretty much back to back and managed to forget that and thought I was doing 2 now but apparently I’m up to 3, getting old in my old age and a bit more sleep wouldn’t be remiss either.
I still have a process/progress video for Embers but I’ve decided I’m way too lazy to edit it and just need to finish Embers because it’s already November next month and while I would love to make a tiny bit more steem for hayrunners I also want to progress all the other stuff (including the stuff I’m “supposed” to be doing! XD) and end of year stuff is ramping up so things are going to get busier soon. Fortunately the gymnastics end of year display didn’t clash with the dance end of year concert!
Stag leap 3
Sunday, 14 May 2017 @ 8:53pm
Even through the mat, the floor hurt. Her ankles hurt. Her muscles ached. Hot tears sprang behind her eyes. Rei sat up, her face growing hotter as the tears prickled. She rubbed her arm across her eyes, trying to ease the stinging with counter-pressure and clearing out the ones that had escaped.
“You right kiddo?” Zara’s playful tone floated over from somewhere near the doorway. Rei sniffed again and looked up. Zara finished crossing the floor in her usual fashion and bobbed down on the ground. She touched her sunnies but the light was too bright for her and she left them where they were. “What’s wrong?” Zara shifted to sit cross-legged, looking quite prepared to wait forever for an answer if she needed to.