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October ProgBlog #1: muddling not-Monday

Screenshot of a render because I was too lazy to save out the actual render. Did it as a test partly because Blender is apparently slightly less likely to crash if I do renders as opposed to the viewport preview and mostly because it’s been a while since I did one and I have to do one every so often to make sure things looks how they’re supposed to look (the viewport render is pretty accurate but is also deliberately lower quality than even my preview renders).

January ProgBlog #3: this again

I really don’t like repeating work. As a result it was super easy for me to get distracted world building for a playtest of that system I made (it’s currently called Skill Monkey because the way I designed it, eventually long running characters will probably have a very long list of Skills).

image 226

I decided on “notShadowrun” as the setting ie using something similar but different to the dystopian cyberpunk Shadowrun universe but also casually doing a lot of our own thing. Currently only 18yo and C are playing, and both have nicely provided some world building as well (which I kind of want to encourage with this type of game with this type of system, at least when I’m running them) or at least very good direction for their characters’ origins.

October ProgBlog #1: potential end to the eternal note slog

Title I should be using if I cared about SEO: one way to use Obsidian to manage creative writing projects.

Apologies in advance, I accidentally upsized some of the images in this because I forgot an important character in the mogrify command, and I am too lazy to redo those screenies.

A “short” history

Once upon a time, I used to be a total pantser.

And then I started this project.

March ProgBlog #2 - eternal tooling

I had a cascade of stuff happen over the last two weeks.

Just stuff, nothing really major or bad but enough of that and not enough sleep that I can’t remember what most of it was.

Also enough that when I was supposed to progblog last week I looked at how much progress I’d made from last week (virtually none) and went nup and bailed.

First, let’s cover some prog (seeing as that’s the original purpose of these and probably what most people are interested in).