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October ProgBlog #2: the stupid things I do

I still do too many stupid things to count.  This is just one of them.

painting uv map in Krita

No not that in particular, that's just my attempt at approximating Chinese brush painting (I have exactly no idea so I watched some tutorials, and I still have no idea).  The actual stupid thing is this.


October ProgBlog #1: Toolsday

So, with the sheer volume of stuff happening on the weekend (work, training and roleplaying), it will probably come as a surprise to exactly no one that I'm struggling to get progblogs out on those days.

Additionally despite knowing from a ridiculous amount of previous experience that it leads to burnout and intense slowdown at best (I can feel how slow I'm moving and it's annoying me no end) and downtime at worst, I cut into sleep time again because it's the easiest thing to cut x_x

So I guess I'll try blogging on Toolsday as it seems to be the miscellaneous day when anything and everything could happen.

And tooling might even get done because I feel like I actually made some progress for a change.

Finally finished Yue's outfit, and also made her hair a bit longer (so it's roughly at the length it is in my drawing but not nearly as long as skaterpunk Yue who had waist length dreaddies).


September ProgBlog #4: shifting patterns

The weather finally warmed up enough that I was able to make it to training (late as per usual because the time I would have to leave to get there on time is about when I'm waking up x_x but better late than never?).  I fell into old habits and doing low stances after three months of not training at all is generally not the best idea, I was somewhat stiff and sore afterwards XD and then the following day we went on an 8km hike because yes.

The worst thing about the hike aside from youngest's incessant whining was that it was such a beautiful day for it everyone was out.


September ProgBlog #3: another slow week

It's been a busy weekend with states competitions, following a busy week of training and preparing for states competitions.  We had to skip roleplaying (for the third or fourth time in a row, previously people had been staggering being sick x_x) and there were 5-5:30am starts on Saturday and Sunday x_x as 14yo and I were getting picked up at 6am by the head coach.  16yo was sick for regionals and bailed out of states (because it's been a weird year some people that missed out on regionals due to illness or quarantine were allowed to apply to do states and most were accepted, he now regrets doing so, told him to make up for it next year).  14yo had an amazing day on Friday; managing third on vault  and beam, equal first on floor with one of her friends, and third all around.  On Saturday were just there as cheer squad.  My level 3 and 4 boys did pretty well on Sunday with all of them getting at least one medal.


September ProgBlog #2: accidental hyperfocus

I accidentally spent the entire week on UASG (or to be extremely specific, on those freaking dreadlocks >_<).

I'm currently on my...6th or 7th iteration.

particle hair dreadlocks in Blender 2.93

I thought I'd be a smartarse and lay out the curve guides first (which I think I mentioned last progblog), and then followed up with experiments on whether I use the particle hair controls or the similar looking controls on the curve guides themselves to do the dreadlocks.

The curve guide controls couldn't get values as high as the actual particle hair settings so I used those instead.


September ProgBlog #1: getting hairy again

The slow and painful days are starting to become a habit I really need to snap out of.  Both projects are plodding along and I'm kind of bumbling my way through everything else around them with varying degrees of success.


After switching back to the colour map, I attacked the shape of the dragon tattoo, adding in these little belly scale segmentation things.


Trust me it's one of those tiny little things that you don't notice when it's done but that you would definitely notice if it hadn't been done x_x


January ProgBlog #3: glassy

The plane managed to land (rather heavily by the sound of things) despite the dubious weather on Christmas Island, and we made it back in the appropriate number of pieces just in time for what sounds like a proper lockdown, it seems. 

Seriously though why do people insist on hoarding toilet paper.

Well, one week extra planning I guess, and I have to reschedule two appointments.  The extra planning time will be helpful as I will probably need to actually have a work schedule again so I can learn the nonsense I need to figure out this hive front end silliness.


Hive hoodie

Zara in a hive hoodie

Quickie because sculpt fixing is taking forever and I felt like doing something else for a little while. 

As I said in the last progblog, I had been intending on sketching Zara in a hive hoodie as I've drawn her in a steem hoodie previously, and then decided I should use her model instead.  Some fixing was required and that had to be done anyway so it got done, and then I made the hoodie together out of a cube.

Blender 2.8 sculpting jumper shape


January ProgBlog #4: fixer uppers

I thought I was pretty much done with Zara aside from wardrobe (which I can build out as I proceed through scripts) when I  remembered that the goggles are an essential piece of kit as she's blind in the light without them.

Then I spent way too long staring at her for a bit before sending a screenie to Sprat asking if the eyes were too far apart.  She confirmed that they were and that I should also maybe move the mouth up a tiny bit.  So I did.

Zara slightly adjusted face


August ProgBlog #1: Guilt-ridden!

I have a cold which has managed to work its way up into my head and still quite a lot going on so I'm thinking really stupid thoughts at the moment.  Like feeling guilty for not working on websites despite the fact we're currently closing down our business so all the website work I need to do are on technonaturalist, perhaps at some stage the two freebies which are the only ones still kicking around on my server, and working with the clients' new hosting companies to get their sites transferred.  I managed to get over that after a few minutes of applying some logic to it.

And then I started feeling guilty for working on whatever it was I was working on instead of something else.  Which continued applying even as i switched projects.


So somewhere in that pathetic self pity helix, I somehow managed to do the mouth cavity.