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Lightwave3D notes: fixes for base characters + clothes notes

Many face tweaks.

3d diagram showing where the model face tweaks are and highlighting problem areas

The "entire area" vertex may pinch the mesh strangely with that many patches using it as a corner, but will have to see how I go with the face morphs.  Also I'm stupid and the "moved outward" applies to the vertex above the one highlighted, I am too lazy to change the diagram.

There are also two  points on the torso along the obliques and on the top part of the shoulder blade that need looking at on the Flier models, I fixed them at some point on Base.

After moving the corners of the mouth inward, the insides of the mouth will also have to be readjusted so they're not poking through.


Head v[x]

Close up of the more or less completed head

Fixed the nose sooner than I thought I would.

Quick render of the subpatched model with the default lighting. Just got the tongue to do, once I figure out the best way to model it.