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Come on in, the water's fine! :D

Tuesday, 14 November 2017 @ 5:18pm
Special request for @kubbyelizabeth! And a reminder of what happens when fyn gets carried away with ideas ;D I’ve done progblogs for this one so just included detail shots, though can do the whole shebang in one if that’s what people want. Additionally there was supposed to be a process video for this but my computer crashed while I was recording one of the sessions which corrupted that video so I spat it and gave up on that one.

Water's Fine progblog #3

Saturday, 11 November 2017 @ 1:15pm
Last progblog I’d finished light and shadow 1. I hoped I could get light and shadow 2 done in one session. I did get there eventually XD Light and shadow 3 should theoretically go a little bit quicker as they’re kind of emphasis layers. I’ll decide then whether they’re high enough to do caustics, at this stage I’m likely to bail as doing caustics on this many characters feels a little bit daunting. Hoping to knock this one off tomorrow, but that will depend on what else is happening tomorrow.


Thursday, 18 May 2017 @ 12:04pm
This MerMay thing (whatever it is XD) gave a good enough excuse to draw examples of the Selkies and Nereids as they appear in the AER-verse (examples because they vary massively in appearance depending on…a lot of things). I attempted a more “stereotypical” mermaid here which meant it’s either an early Nereid or a reef/shallow water Nereid. The ones that live in shallow water are more likely to resemble Base humans. The ones that live out in the deep sea only bear hints that they evolved from humans.


Tuesday, 16 May 2017 @ 3:33pm
Apparently there’s a thing called MerMay going on where people are trying to draw merfolk this month. Seemed as good an excuse as any to draw a Selkie as they are in the AER-verse. The Selkies and Nereids are water-based Evolved. The Selkies breathe air, some of them can speak Cetacean and are usually able to flop around on land (to some value). They dehydrate really easily and need to either drink a lot or be wet down on occasion. The Nereids have gills and will drown/suffocate out of water. Like their Terran based counterparts, they vary widely in phenotype. This one in particular is a redesign of an old character who was originally a gang member/antagonist in one of the early version of the scripts. The three members of that gang got scrapped as I simplified the scene they were supposed to be involved in down by quite a lot. The only thing that really stayed constant were the head spikes, the flipper feet, webbed hands and fin ears are new, because I didn’t think things through as well (or too much) as I do now. He has a bit of difficulty manuvering on land, water is his element, oddly :)