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Happy silly season 2023

Happy slightly late silly season! A little bit late due to a combination of family shenanigans and whatnot, forgetting how to draw, doing a different method, realising that method would take too long, attempting to draw again, finally remembering how to draw and then trying to blitz it out around everything else in by then one day left, stymied slightly by a very fun new year party and actually finished it on time but then when I went to export it Krita and/or the MacBook started playing silly buggers and insisted on giving me blurry images and so I airdropped it to sibling dearest to see if she could work something out.

Happy Silly Season 2022

Alternate title: FREEDOM! Which is probably what Zara was screaming into the wind. Don’t do what Zara is doing, it’s very stupid and dangerous. And Megan’s seatbelt is currently not effective so don’t do that either XD And the pod windscreens are actually HUDs and Dakarai is looking at a rear view thing but the HUD can only be seen from inside the pod. The HUD is probably also screaming about an unrestrained passenger.

May ProgBlog #2: character roll

There’s really not a lot of prog to blog as I’m well and truly stuck again. Very slowly doing the step by step caching physics thing to frame 0 (something keeps going wrong and making me have to start again and it’s not fun for anyone) which is exactly what I was doing last week. @rainite asked me about my characters on Discord and I said I’d done a few and would so a summary post for them, and figured I may as well chuck it in this progblog because it’s kind of prog (just over a longer period than a week) rather than making a separate summary post (which feels like cheating because I’ve posted all of these pics before, if it’s in a progblog as a progress thing it feels slightly less like cheating even though it’s basically the same thing, see it’s this kind of logic that allows people to justify idiocy).

Happy (racy) silly season! (nsfw)

Silhouetted raunchiness, don’t come in if you’re a bit prudish :) Cut this one fine again but at least I’m usually up late at this time. When I’m in Perth I’m usually up to see in the new year, and then I stay up another hour til it’s new year for Sprat. I’m home for the holidays this year so no real need to stay up the extra hour :)

It gets better...

Please excuse the banding, jpg hates me sometimes. I sent this song to a couple of friends who were having a rough time, as it’s pretty uplifting and the lyrics seem to be about not giving up no matter what life hurls at you. TeamAustralia on steem is currently trying to fund a hayrunners truck, and the not giving up theme seemed appropriate there too. I’m pretty rubbish at explaining why I do anything so have each frame with associated short stories that have something about overcoming whatever life hurls at you because three short stories in one day is easier than explaining stuff.

October ProgBlog #3: momentary confusion

I did the other two progblogs pretty much back to back and managed to forget that and thought I was doing 2 now but apparently I’m up to 3, getting old in my old age and a bit more sleep wouldn’t be remiss either. I still have a process/progress video for Embers but I’ve decided I’m way too lazy to edit it and just need to finish Embers because it’s already November next month and while I would love to make a tiny bit more steem for hayrunners I also want to progress all the other stuff (including the stuff I’m “supposed” to be doing!

October ProgBlog #1: running late!

Because I was struggling with editing the video and the spacebar on my keyboard has decided to play silly buggers, something has come loose on the right side so when I hit it on that side it doesn’t always bother to do its job and is depressing unevenly. I have had to switch to using my left hand to do space and am finding it awkward and infuriating. So I’m going to try one of those clackety mechanical monstrosities and give this one to 13yo as he has a really ancient keyboard that we had lying around and it’s a bit more worn out than this one is.

September ProgBlog #4: and some totally unrelated updates

This weekend was busier than usual with 13yo and 11yo having states. Both of them did pretty well, 11yo got a silver on beam (level 5 is tough!) and 13yo got silver on pommel and rings and gold on floor and parallel bars as well as second in All Around. Now there’s just end of year stuff to go! 11yo has been busy at fornightly dance rehearsals as she’s in the opening performance for the end of year concert.

September ProgBlog #3: bouncing everywhere

I’m still editing week before’s Wednesday streaming and have to start on last week’s, ideally before I do this week’s but cutting music is hard. Getting rid of all the pauses and timelapsing the video is easy. The yellow composite layer in the screenie is only there because for whatever reason the preview skips and stutters and carries on when there’s a title clip, I should be able to remove it before rendering.

Stars Glow

Switch on the sky and the stars glow for you Go see the world coz it’s all so brand new Don’t close your eyes coz your future is ready to shine It’s just a matter of time before we learn how to fly Welcome to the rhythm of the night There’s something in the air you can’t deny… Owl City: When Can I See You Again Saving as a png ate my colours again.