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Neopolitan (partial nudity)

This has been the better part of a week in the making. Almost full days because I stupidly thought that I would get it done next session. I now have headache-caused-by-terrible-posture and my neck is violently out again. Pro-tip: do not spend hours a day hunched over a tablet. And while I’m not completely happy with it I’m happy enough to post it. And obviously I need a hell of a lot more practice with dark scenes.

Black Fingernails wip

Worked on this the last couple of stream sessions, posted works in progress to Patreon and realised that I’ve been completely forgetting to post public wips (which is completely unsurprising as while I do post occasional works in progress they are occasional so it was actually pretty easy for me to forget with all the other stuff going on). I also wanted to show @jedau the kind of stuff that takes me forrrreeeeeeeeevvvaaaaaaarrrrrrrr XD

Thursday streaming

The plan for streaming on Thursday was do a quick sketch, then carry on with the rig test anim. That didn’t happen. What happened instead was this.

threesome wip

I don’t do anything more complex than textures for backgrounds, the bed is just one ridiculously oversized prop masquerading as a background. I don’t hink that’s going to be a normal thing either. I am not really looking forward to shading those tattoos XD

Andrew, Megan, Magellan and Andromeda

The twins!

Magellan and Andromeda were identical twins and very close to each other. Magellan was a bit of a wild child, Andromeda was much more sensible and down-to-earth. They were kind of background characters before so not that well developed, even though Andromeda was going steady with one of my main characters.

Andrew and Megan are not identical twins (in fact people who think that all twins are identical are usually surprised to find out they’re twins). Andrew occasionally flies into berserker rages like he’s about to do here (so don’t piss him off) and does have a bit of a short fuse; he is otherwise generally easygoing and amiable. Megan is a lot more calm and level headed which comes in handy in her line of work (she does covert ops, information gathering and diplomacy runs). Usually has at least one of her twin brother and her long-term boyfriend and less regularly her favourite girlfriend along or at least somewhere in the area as bodyguards.

Happy silly season!

“Doesn’t that make your teeth rot?”

“It’s worse when you’re with ’em!” Andrew snickered.

Zara passed Andrew another box of decorations from the bowels of the shed, surreptitiously observing Dakarai and Megan being cute at each other on the other side of the garden. The bright orangey yellows of the Christmas bush caught her eye. Around this time of year, especially among the people that celebrated Christmas, there seemed to be a tradition of kissing under mistletoe. The whys were lost in the annals of time (unless one cared to look of course). Andrew’s ears perked up as Zara’s trademark cheeky grin suddenly crossed her face.

Its gonna be okay

“No matter what you’ve been through, here you are, no matter if you think you’re falling apart, it’s gonna be okay!” ~The Piano Guys: Okay

Families are supposed to stick together, no matter what. If you can’t rely on your own blood, who can you rely on? Unfortunately some people are not cut out for parenthood. Andrew was always a difficult, headstrong, stubborn and short-tempered child, unlike his sweet-natured sister. He grew into a difficult, headstrong, stubborn and still short-fused-but-slightly-better-at-controlling-it teenager, who constantly butted heads with his parents, especially his father. A schoolyard incident got out of hand when Andrew perceived a threat to Megan and reacted violently, hospitalising his sister’s antagonist. There was police involved. While the twins had always had an inkling that their father had never liked Andrew, and were correct in thinking that he would be furious over the incident, neither of them expected that he would disown Andrew on the spot.

AER: Club Can't Handle Me

“You know I know how to make ’em stop and stare as I zone out, the club can’t even handle me right now…watchin’ you watchin’ me I go all out, the club can’t even handle me right now!”

The original idea was to the song “I Like the Way” by Bodyrockers and was going to be done in silhouette possibly with flashy background like some of the old iPod ads or the art that could be found on iTunes cards, which developed from thinking I should do a series like that of Megan dancing.

Buy me a drink first

Zul’jinn jolted internally as Megan seemed to materialise out of the crowd beside them, catching hold of Zara and pulling her close with a playful growl as she attempted to nip the smaller girl’s shoulder. Zara for her part looked completely unsurprised, casually fending off the double grope by catching Megan’s wrists, leaning back against the heart stoppingly beautiful blonde.

“Hey Megs,” she said, her voice coloured with amusement, before spinning out of Megan’s arms and turning to face her. Megan followed up, grabbing Zara’s hips and pulling her close again, this time planting a kiss on the lips.