kung fu
Homeschool catchup post
Monday, 16 March 2015 @ 6:36pm
The day before we [flew out to Christmas Island]({< relref “massive-christmas-island-photopost-2014-15” >}), we went on an excursion to the Art Gallery of Western Australia. They accommodate homeschool groups easily and the programs the kids did were great and seem to have been enjoyed by all. To make running things easier for the staff, the kids had been divided into pre-primary to Year 3 (5-8yos) and year 4+ (9 and older). The older group went for their activity first while the younger one went on the tour. The younger group got split into two and 8yo, then 5yo and I ended up in a tiny little group consisting of ourselves and 8yo’s then-6yo friend. The tour guide got peppered with a billion questions as both girls are very interested in art and did a great job fielding them and the additional and often random questions from then-5yo.
Kung fu pro-tips
Sunday, 19 January 2014 @ 11:47am
block the other person’s weapon (even if it is a fan) with your weapon (which may also be a fan), not with your hand. Especially if the other person’s fan has metal ribs when lion dance training after taking such an injury, don’t lift the head when you have to hold the mouth shut when walking through door frames, make sure you fit through the doorframe. Do not get distracted by small dogs attempting to run outside, and definitely do not clock the alleged “funny” bone on the doorframe to the point where you lose all feeling in your hand for a little while (preceded and followed by HOLEY SHEET THAT HURTS), especially if it’s the arm with the hand that doesn’t have aforementioned wrist injury on it Not that this has ever happened to me, definitely not in the last week, because who would be so dumb.
Everybody was kung fu fighting
Wednesday, 19 October 2011 @ 10:52pm
Good thing I’m not trying for ranking in keywords to position myself as an expert on anything, as this would drown in a search :)
I’ve been wanting to get back into training for A Very Long Time (tm), so have been poking around for a kung fu school. There’s some wing chun and other styles floating around the place, but in the end I admitted to myself that what I really wanted was Choy Lay Fut.