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July ProgBlog #1: tattoo artistry

I've always had a great respect for tattoo artists.  I may or may not have mentioned the first time I did these tattoos that that respect increased by roughly an order of magnitude because unlike me they don't have undo buttons.  And somehow can make things look good from most angles.  I'm really feeling that again.

Also despite having had to do it for this version I still don't understand how people paint from colour blocks.

Perhaps because I finally have a vague idea what I'm doing, I managed to finish the dragon a lot quicker.

Zara's dragon tattoo v2


Thursday stream - High

I started on an engagement present for @jedau on Wednesday, and decided to continue it on Thursday so of course it got streamed.

Did something slightly different, instead of just cutting a piece out of each track as usual, I axed anything that wasn't sappy, upbeat, uplifting or didn't have lyrics I could use and used slightly longer samples than otherwise.  The first and last tracks are still the first and last tracks (and in fact the first track was the inspiration for the piece as well as what I thought of when I read Jed's dramatised recount of the proposal to his girlfriend).  The ending is rather abrupt because I was pretty tired by that point and my computer was playing silly buggers.

Track list:


Wacom Cintiq Companion Hybrid/13HD and associated app settings on Ubuntu Studio 16.04LTS

Downloading all the things

Add the repository for Gnome Pie Menu:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:simonschneegans/testing 
sudo apt-get update


Download helper utilities:

sudo apt-get install easystroke wmctrl xdotool gnome-pie


Download apps: