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September ProgBlog #3: bouncing everywhere

I’m still editing week before’s Wednesday streaming and have to start on last week’s, ideally before I do this week’s but cutting music is hard. Getting rid of all the pauses and timelapsing the video is easy. The yellow composite layer in the screenie is only there because for whatever reason the preview skips and stutters and carries on when there’s a title clip, I should be able to remove it before rendering.

September ProgBlog #2: off on a slight tangent

Only a very slight one though. This is the first of four panels on that rather large songpic that escaped from my head (that obnoxious white line on the left is the frame border). Think I’ve levelled up or at least gained a lot of xp with shadowing as normally I still need the lineart layer after light and shadow 1 but it’s currently off, guess dark scenes are good for something XD (or maybe I should just not be so afraid of the shadow layers in day scenes).

August ProgBlog #4: Rollin rollin rollin

I needed a break from technical stuff, so I started sculpting Zara. I don’t know why I always start with eyebrows, I just do, so I did the eyebrows, but then deviated from my usual of going down the nose and doing the face and bounced over to doing the ears. Probably because hers are a bit pointy. The point is tricky as the Avians have an obvious point but their ears aren’t nearly as big as the Dragonkin ears.

August ProgBlog #2: One step forward

And hopefully I’m not going to have any more backwards steps as I’m thoroughly over them! Our club is hosting regionals so weekend just gone has been extremely busy (hence why progblog is late) and there is another one is coming up next weekend which will hopefully be not quite as busy. With luck I’ll have this week’s progblog done on time, but it depends on whether we need to help set up on Friday night (as I tend to make progblogs on Friday nights, I do try to post them then as well but it can end up being sometime on the weekend if I don’t finish on time.

June ProgBlog #3: Noob Errors!

Obviously, I haven’t done uv mapping for a while. Last time was three years ago (jeez I’m so slow aargh it’s too late for me save yourselves). So while I remembered how they worked and seem to have gotten better at actually making/unwrwapping them, I managed to completely forget what they were. So when I was setting up the paint object, I automatically selected the largest they had available (16k), because in Krita I always paint on 16bit canvases.

Thursday stream - High

I started on an engagement present for @jedau on Wednesday, and decided to continue it on Thursday so of course it got streamed. Did something slightly different, instead of just cutting a piece out of each track as usual, I axed anything that wasn’t sappy, upbeat, uplifting or didn’t have lyrics I could use and used slightly longer samples than otherwise. The first and last tracks are still the first and last tracks (and in fact the first track was the inspiration for the piece as well as what I thought of when I read Jed’s dramatised recount of the proposal to his girlfriend).

Works in progress

Because I’m failing at making proper progblogs due to having to slog through a massive backlog (which now has a severe dent in it, unfortunately I think I also made a dent in myself XD). Retopology of a chimaera in 3d Coat which I will rig in Blender and then draw over Ingress character wallpaper being worked on in Krita I changed the dimensions of the thumb and hand while affixing allulas which of course meant I had to adjust the layers.

Wacom Cintiq Companion Hybrid/13HD and associated app settings on Ubuntu Studio 16.04LTS

Downloading all the things Add the repository for Gnome Pie Menu: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:simonschneegans/testing sudo apt-get update Download helper utilities: sudo apt-get install easystroke wmctrl xdotool gnome-pie Download apps: Blender Krita 3d Coat 3d Coat is a proprietary product. Ubuntu Studio ships with a version of Blender and Krita but they lag at least a version behind. The shipped versions may well do the job (and be easier to upgrade) unless you specifically need something in a newer version or just like being on the latest version of everything.