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Mohawk party

You only need one other person for a party right? XD

I’d settled down to work on poor f3nix’s avatar (poor because they’ve been waiting ages for it! I’m so sorry!) but there was something wrong with my hand. Lineart was excessively slow and shaky, I kept having to redo lines constantly and despite drawing over both a sketch and having the base available (though it was broken as I had a set of bases that just wouldn’t render correctly for some reason) I could not for the life of me get my hand to cooperate or certain bits to look right.

May ProgBlog #2

After looking at how erratic my steem and Patreon feeds can be, I guess I really better put in the effort to make these weekly, perhaps showing off the pathetic amount of progress I didn’t make will kick me into working more harder smarter.

So as I said last update I’m going back to what I know (which is keeping the polycount as low as possible) but experimenting in a slightly different direction (I have a probably unhealthy obsession with needing all the quads to be as square as possible so I tend to end up with slightly dense meshes).


TubCat goes around giving unwashed humans a hard time for being not as intelligent as a tubcat, as far as I can tell. It’s generally amusing.

What was less amusing was finally getting a good result on a jpb export (had to fiddle with Krita settings again) only for my blog to do something weird with it on upload, making the colours darker. Seeing as this was

I went with the png which worked out much better at the cost of being four times bigger. Sigh.



BMJ requested a springbok holding a shot glass and a rugby ball for a mascot for one of the communities he’s in. He got a bonus two because I had some fun ideas. I wasn’t going to do any shading but felt that they needed that something extra. Haven’t done cel shading for a while but it worked out better than expected, partially helped by learning how to handle the new Krita brushes.

April ProgBlog #1

I still haven’t worked out whether it’s better to keep a regular update even if it’s “I’m an idiot and got stuck again” or just not say anything if I’m that stuck.

So after combing the hair into the right shape, I found out a few things.

  • while the collision detection works really nicely in particle edit mode, it completely fails when actual physics is applied, because for whatever reason the emitter collision is completely ignored
  • I can’t work out for the life of me how the hell to rig particle hair

I’ve done spline IK for the tail rig so was trying to do something similar with the hair but don’t understand how particle weights work. Wasn’t the biggest leap to find out about curve guides, and then took me the better part of forever to work out that curve guides had to be on the same layer as the particle emitter to work. Once that was sorted out, I then spent way too long playing around with the different curve types to work out which one would be the best for the job. Seems that nurbs animates quickest so that’s what I’m using.

AER crowd character: LordHyena

Hyenas tend to be punks or warriors or punk warriors and I was pretty tempted but nope because it’s LORD Nigel, that called for a civil, classy hyena.

He may end up with ear piercings down the line.

March ProgBlog #3

Last week was working on pants and boots (and getting to use some fabric normals and a leather material some kind souls made available on Blendswap):

Screenshot 20180324 134447

trying to wrangle the hair into several hair ties (it was supposed to be tied with a cord but I finally got it through my thick skull that it wouldn’t stay, even when I did have long hair I didn’t do anything interesting with it, so I’m going to claim total stupidity ignorance and too much anime on my part there!):

AER crowd character: BMJbok

Alternate title: Basketbok.

Why yes I can actually do portraits in portrait. It just required flipping numbers in my render settings and I am nothing if not incredibly lazy.

Everything that is remotely to do with a springbok now has the suffix -bok. And bmj and jackmiller managed to replace a well known and widely used cuss word with “bok” as well which made for an amusing conversation.

Perhaps I should have done a rugby ball but basketball got stuck in my head as nathanmj is mad keen about it and I vaguely recall bmj saying something about coaching but I don’t know if the two ideas were actually related. I think this guy is almost a treebok and not just because of the horns or the different picture orientation. Reckon he’ll just about stand eye to eye with some of my taller Dragonkin.

AER crowd character: DollaGoat

Sorry dolla, you’re now a goat XD (but let me know if you’d rather be something else)

I really wanted to do a variation of the upgoat footer for his Bounce upgoats, and “wall-running upgoat” was a concept firmly embedded in my mind…pretty much since then. And this was how that ended up.

I’m currently not sure whether the eye markings are staying or whether they’ll go and the nose marking will get bigger.

AER crowd character: Pineapple Angel

I have long nicknamed whatamidoing “pineapple” due to the avatar, and when I put out the call to see who wanted to make cameos as crowd character we were bantering back and forth about how I was going to do theirs a pineapple hairdo and they responded back something along the lines of “pineapple angel”, which meant as far as I was concerned a fruity Avian.

There’s no pineapple coloured birds that I’m aware of so I went with something parrotish and a crested eagle crest (actual feathers on the crest rather than the fine silky feathers that’s more common for Avians).