greta beach
Christmas Island: long photopost and fyn's bad luck saga
Sunday, 11 August 2013 @ 11:02pm
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
Back in Perth now and this post is going to be a long one.
The holiday has been great because I was home and crap because in the second week, I got a swollen gland or lymph node that pressed onto the nerve of one of my back teeth and caused a LOT of pain and made eating difficult, and the kids got sick. In the third week the kids recovered and I got sick (two days completely out of action and just general misery, persistent headache and neverending mucous production for the rest of the week and continuing as I type). I am feeling slightly bitter about it and thinking it’s brutally unfair but at least I stayed there the entire time unlike a certain Christmas where I got medevac’d.