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The Witchies

Three "witches" dressed in ridiculous anime getup with an oversized cauldron

Once upon a time, not so very long ago in the grand scheme, two of my friends and I got together in a group chat which apparently needed a name, so I called it "witchies" as there was a bit of the Triple Goddess vibe with our respective age gaps, at least partly influenced with how the director portrayed the three witches in a Macbeth I acted in way back at uni.  I said once I felt good enough I was going to draw us all as witchies.

Two years ago (yes you read that right x_x) I felt good enough, and so I started, intending it to be a 2018 Christmas present.  It was a bit of a challenge as I suck at doing real people so kind of vaguely made us all characters with the cute familiars, the oversized witch hats and pixie hoodie, and the ridiculously massive cauldron.


August ProgBlog #2: all the small things

An unbelievable amount of crazy has been happening.

Comp season starting was just part of it (aka there went one weekend, spoiler alert 12yo did well).

We're now onto the last few tail feathers with the pink and purple.

shiny phoenix tattoo on 3d character

Close up of the middle feathers (which shows I need to cover more grey in the purple section!)


June ProgBlog #2: in the green

Finally got into the green section!

shiny dragon scales being painted in 3d Coat

The one and only downside to this is that the next section is the blue section and with it more legs.


May ProgBlog #3

Fallen back into old habits of stressing out about how much I'm not getting done art-wise because I'm spending so much time on the rest of life and taking those extra hours out of sleep time which is totally healthy especially given how long it takes me to go to sleep and according to my Fitbit I wake up really frequently during the night (not that I remember ever doing so, apparently I usually wake up instead of going into REM and all those minutes "awake" usually average an hour) so I either need to go to bed earlier or wake up later and neither of those things are going to happen.

Additionally I still haven't properly sorted a new work schedule, but with the house coming off the market soon and our bathroom renos nearly done I can actually start coming up with something now.


May ProgBlog #2: I am STILL FALLING!

No progblog last week because I caught a "flu-like virus" and got a bonus chest infection.  Not recommended.

On the bright side, the first day I was finally able to work, it took only a couple of goes for my hand to suddenly decide it had finally figured out how to draw the scales and they got done relatively quickly compared to my previous struggles.  The last bit of the tail took the longest as the scales obviously had to shrink with the body.  Also, it seems to be a given that the last 20% of anything takes up 80% of the total time spent on it.



Ledd flying high

Wallpaper inspired by @jedau's novel A Day in the Clouds, specifically a scene in chapter 9 described thus:

I concentrated my viento on my feet and catapulted myself into the stratosphere. I spun in place, trying to accumulate the heavy winds that blew high above.

Although I made it concentrate in his hands and uplift him with spirally winds partly because it was fun and that's how I'd done the pose originally (because that's what was in my head) and mostly because it's been a while since I read that chapter :S

I was a bit slack with the progress shots as I find Windows very grating to work with (I'm back home on Christmas Island visiting my family so I'm using my Surface Pro 4; gorgeous machine, too bad about the operating system which I loathe).