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!schooling from whenever til now

Friday, 4 October 2013 @ 4:11pm
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Due to stuff (some it was the parents coming up to visit for a couple of weeks, some is that business has picked up dramatically), I haven’t been keeping track of the homeschooly stuff. Also we’ve been finding better things to do than sitting and doing bookwork, so it’s a really good thing that’s not the core of our homeschooling program (I need to write one of those for next year by the way, and also a booklist). So here’s some photos of things it occurred to me to point a camera at.

Catchup, Tapfish economics, cartography and Lojban

Saturday, 27 March 2010 @ 7:52pm
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] [this post got a lot of interesting/amusing comments mostly about people apparently annoyed by my decision to use Lojban as the IAL (international auxiliary language) for AEfter Ragnarok - bit sad to lose them] Catchup No posts for a whole year. That might have something to do with being slightly manic with what I calculated was roughly the equivalent of a 24/7/365 on call full time job and two contract/casuals. And I’m only getting paid for one of them, and only if I can find contracts. Sprat and I have gotten down to srs bizness and are now doing design and websites for money, along with the mass plethora of other people doing the same. We’re better than 90% of them ;) I am also still working on AR (formerly referred to as The Comic and then The ComicAnimation, you know, that thing I’ve been plugging at constantly and more or less consistantly for the last 8 years or so). It’s come a long, long way. It’s also because I thought I’d try my hand at this record keeping business. So I (very intermittently) kept records in a Smiggle notebook.

Statues in Kenya

Tuesday, 30 December 2008 @ 4:50pm
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] [imported from livejournal and backdated] Today Tiny was spinning a tale about a house a bit bigger than ours with olts of people. Then he starrted talking about golden statues. I asked him where, he said “somewhere else”. I said somewhere could be anywhere, could he be more specific? He said he thinks Kenya. Then asked me where Kenya was.