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New camera, more aquaponics photos

Friday, 20 April 2012 @ 10:11pm
We finally bought a NAS, it’s living next to the router (which makes logical sense as it has to plug into the router). I’m currently copying all the music and photos onto it and will probably delete them off my computer as part of my cleanup process (moving a bunch of Stuff off the 250Gb ssd to the 2Tb sata). Moving the iPhoto database was nice and easy (drag, hold down alt when opening iPhoto, selecting where the library had been moved to, delete the original file), and it kind of needed to go elsewhere as it’s 53Gb and going to blow out as I’m shooting RAW.

Life and !schooling in 2012

Sunday, 19 February 2012 @ 12:11am
Apparently there was a bit of a kerfuffle in the moderator department, which meant I completely forgot about the moderation until the new moderator rocked up on my door towards the end of my work period. Oops. Fortunately I work from home and can make up hours easy, and I hadn’t gone out to pick up my shiny new computer yet, though I had gotten dressed to do so. So all she saw was that my place is a mess, which is about normal and I don’t clean up for anyone!

I think one of my roosters is possessed

Thursday, 17 November 2011 @ 12:00am
This one crowed directly outside the window and sounded like he’d been recorded and some sound technicians had remixed and resampled it and added some reverb and echo and all that (can you tell I don’t know anything about sound?) and played back what a demonic possessed rooster would sound like if a film maker ever had need of a demonic possessed rooster crowing.

Photos. Lots of them.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011 @ 12:00am
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Not quite intelligent enough for a coherent post, so have lots of captioned photos instead. Homeschooling art and English: storyboarding with Mummy (who was working on AR storyboards)

Photos from the garden

Thursday, 15 September 2011 @ 4:50pm
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] A friend introduced the kids to the My Little Pony remake some time ago and with the starting of this blog post this song stuck in my brain (had no help whatsoever from the kids watching it a few times ;). So I’m a bit late for “tomorrow spring is here”, we’re about halfway through the first month of spring as humans like to count it. I think spring came a bit earlier than September. As far as I’m concerned it’s spring when the weather and the flowers say it’s spring.

Work, Wannabe and other projects and a dash of unschooling

Friday, 22 April 2011 @ 11:38pm
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Firstly, what in the hell is with the life category?! I’ve been (very slowly!) importing livejournal entries so I can replace missing photos. Very minor regret that I didn’t bother skimming through my shadowshifter livejournal before I deleted it as I probably had a few progress reports for my various projects kicking around on it, but oh well.

Damn those stick fast fleas to hell

Sunday, 16 January 2011 @ 11:38pm
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] The conclusion to the sorry chicken saga. Where to begin. Can’t begin at the beginning, that’s already been done. See above. So, let’s find a point in the middle to start. Firstly, after Tempest’s last two chicks (the yellow one she’d hatched and the small Australorp she adopted) died, we worked out it was those bloody fleas. The adults weren’t so badly affected by all appearances, though the eggs were fewer and further between, so maybe they were affected. We seem to have bathed the heads of the other chicks in olive oil in time to prevent an outbreak of chick killing proportions. JJ also put some concrete slabs under the roost, as apparently this helps break their life cycle or something. We like to go with naturalish preventative measures and remedies as much as possible for everything, saving The Big Chemical Guns for when there is a situation that warrants it. This was one of those situations.

The sorry chicken saga

Saturday, 8 January 2011 @ 10:58pm
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] There was much excitement and trepidation at Wannabe when Chess, our bossy little evil Pekin bantam went broody, and amusement when the more demure Tempest decided that she, too, would also like to hatch some eggs. We were pretty thrilled to have broodies, as one of our long term plans was to increase our flock naturally, including letting the broodies raise their chicklets, and bring in new blood every so often to prevent too much inbreeding. This idea has since expanded to JJ planning on developing his own chicken breed.

Summer rain

Wednesday, 5 January 2011 @ 10:55am
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] It’s the hottest driest summer ever in Australia (except in Queensland and northern WA where they’re experiencing floods, and meanwhile in Europe where they’re having longest coldest winters with craziest snowfall). Here in Perth most of our rain happens in winter with drips and drabs here and there in late autumn and early spring. We don’t usually get rain in summer. The last few days I’ve felt quite at home while a large number of my friends have been complaining of the oppressive, stifling, terrible humidity.

Christmas time, mistletoe and wine, and slightly different this year

Friday, 24 December 2010 @ 12:14am
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] The lovely Ursula (also known as SulaMoon) over at deviantART gave me and another friend of hers pearwood a dragon for Christmas. I think it’s agonisingly cute. Ursula is an amazing artist.