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captain gundry

November ProgBlog #4: railroading

Tuesday, 23 November 2021 @ 8:54am
I’m apparently that good at not being too obvious about railroading (unless I make it obvious like when I want to end a session, like I did on the weekend and had my players playfully accusing me of railroading when after a while I was like “YOU’RE GOING BACK TO THE FREEHOLD.”) that I can’t even railroad myself when I need to. Weekend was busy again with gym events so once more not a lot got done. I worked a bit more on the dice system, and some notes, yesterday I got started on Gundry.

Captain Gundry

Wednesday, 30 June 2021 @ 7:12pm
The “scary crow captain” is supposed to have Appearance 1 (World of Darkness for ugly/unpleasant looking) but I seem to only be able to draw Appearance 2 (average) characters (as I found out as mine is supposed to be Appearance 3 and that’s not going too well either). I tried >_> On the bright side it’s not his appearance that makes him scary, it’s the fact he’s a stupidly high level character.