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June ProgBlog #2: because you know...instances

Monday, 27 June 2022 @ 1:09pm
Gundry still has not budged. I was supposed to do more work on him today but I ended up doing other things instead. I also need to have a chat with my young friend and find out if we’re still going along with…well I hesitate to call what we were working off any kind of plan, not even a loose and fluid one if this project is still going to go.

July ProgBlog #2: tedium

Friday, 9 July 2021 @ 7:45pm
There has not been a lot of progress this week, partly because I felt quite inspired by Sunday’s roleplaying game and ended up working on character portraits instead, and mostly because I’m hand drawing the dragon scales -_- Started off with the belly scales like and then got bored so ended up doing the entire spine/mane/fin/I don’t even know what it is anymore. But I’m still angsting about whether the purple mane is okay as is or if I should be making it a full face beard as a lot of the references I’m looking at do.

June Progblog #3: scars and scripts

Friday, 25 June 2021 @ 11:59pm
I did the scars as a bump map using bpainter. Then figured out how to string normal and bump nodes so that everything would go in nicely. Normal map texture colour out plugs in to colour in of normal map node. Normal socket out of normal map node plugs into normal in of bump map node.

Hive hoodie

Wednesday, 5 August 2020 @ 3:30pm
Quickie because sculpt fixing is taking forever and I felt like doing something else for a little while. As I said in the last progblog, I had been intending on sketching Zara in a hive hoodie as I’ve drawn her in a steem hoodie previously, and then decided I should use her model instead. Some fixing was required and that had to be done anyway so it got done, and then I made the hoodie together out of a cube.

August ProgBlog #1: and then one thing led to another and...

Sunday, 2 August 2020 @ 5:59pm
WARNING: if you’re an ultraprude there’s a nude character in here but only the breasts are somewhat detailed, while you can see the crotch area due to lack of clothes there isn’t even implied genitalia. So there I was, just smoothing out Red’s feet and toes and fixing toenails that needed fixing when I decided that I should draw Zara in a hive hoodie since I’ve drawn her in a steem hoodie previously (and Kurenai in a steem shirt). Hot on the heels of that I figured I may as well use the 3d model of Zara seeing as it’s more or less finished. So of course I had to fix the proportions of the model first. After a lot of glaring and trying to figure out if the legs were too long or the torso too short, I finally decided on the former and ran it past Sprat who helpfully marked up a screenie for me.