blender 4.3
February ProgBlog #1
Tuesday, 4 February 2025 @ 9:41pm
There is the usual reason for no progblog since the first one of the year, and that was I got stuck.
I needed to comb the hair on the highest multires level (because the render looked completely different to the viewport, which I thought was something to do with hair settings and didn’t realise the levels would make that substantial a difference) and I’m not sure if multires and curve hairs play well together as combing was really quick and easy at level 0 but at level 3 it’s jittery and unpredictable and often moves in at least the opposite if not some random direction (it’s not laggy at all, just unpredictable and makes an already tedious process extremely unnecessarily aggravating). I got really mad and deleted the hair node group modifier thingies I’d put on it earlier and shoved the Surface Deform node back to the top which has helped a bit, as in it’s not jittering randomly or pretending there’s some kind of force field active and it doesn’t keep flying off in random directions instead of going in the direction I’m pushing it.
January ProgBlog #1: new year, new something
Tuesday, 14 January 2025 @ 10:03pm
And the forever unchanging habit of failing weekly progblogs because I feel bad about not progging enough.
at least this is one of the few times I have the somewhat reasonable excuse of it was silly season and January will still be my planning month because that’s been working out well so far I have been doing the hair strands in pairs which is one of the reasons why it’s been taking the better part of forever. Doing it in larger groups/rows has previously always ended badly for me. Recently I spat it and decided it’s been a while, let’s just see how we go.