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blender 2.9

January ProgBlog #3: glassy

Sunday, 31 January 2021 @ 9:22pm
The plane managed to land (rather heavily by the sound of things) despite the dubious weather on Christmas Island, and we made it back in the appropriate number of pieces just in time for what sounds like a proper lockdown, it seems. Seriously though why do people insist on hoarding toilet paper. Well, one week extra planning I guess, and I have to reschedule two appointments. The extra planning time will be helpful as I will probably need to actually have a work schedule again so I can learn the nonsense I need to figure out this hive front end silliness.

January ProgBlog #2: building bigger

Sunday, 24 January 2021 @ 11:40pm
As soon as Protective 3 had gone into cooldown, I started work on Acaedia, using Red and Zip to help with sizing. The Flyers (especially Dragonkin!) take up a lot of space and need a lot of space. I’m starting with the Royals’ apartment which is in the central tower. Each of the squares is 10x10m, the walls are 5m high.

November ProgBlog #2: splitting hairs

Friday, 6 November 2020 @ 11:13pm
October ProgBlog 3 is technically November ProgBlog 1 and just isn’t called as such because I was a seriously sleep deprived idiot at the time. Where I left off, I’d started on the hairs by doing the reasonably easy eyelashes and eyebrows first. Okay eyebrows are pretty easy, just make a density map and then comb. Eyelashes I always have to keep painting hairs on carefully and then combing equally carefully.

October ProgBlog #2: contains an attempt at Blender 2.9 bake notes

Sunday, 11 October 2020 @ 11:35pm
A bit of unexpected chaos happened on Friday and it kind of wiped me out. And then it was followed by a kind of busy weekend. Which of course means being up kind of late Sunday night (right now) trying to bang out a progblog like people actually care about or even understand my delirious blender rambling XD This week’s shenanigans involved trying to get the perfect bake once I figured out how to bake. I could not get the perfect bake and I suspect it’s either something to do with my cage mesh or blender is super aggressively caching something or some combination thereof. So in the interests of getting the hell on with it I managed to blunder my way to a good enough bake and hopefully I’ll figure it out down the line.

September ProgBlog #3: retopo home stretch 2 the sequel

Sunday, 20 September 2020 @ 8:21pm
In the spirit of failing to do more in the same amount of time, I ended up having to clean out the art cupboard (a job I’ve been studiously avoiding for the last 5 years, I also bought a cube shelf for it that fits a bit more perfectly than I thought it would) and will over the next week or so probably have to sort out the rest of the crap that I’ve been putting off and should have probably done during covid except that I took the opportunity to go hard on this thing instead.

September progblog 2 retopo home stretch

Saturday, 12 September 2020 @ 9:14pm
The last week has been more about trying to fit more stuff in, so work hours keep getting cut more and more and more (because apparently I shouldn’t be cutting sleep for some reason). And then on Friday my problem shoulder exploded (either pinched a nerve or it decided to become a frozen shoulder, I will find out which presently I guess) because I had the audacity to…stretch (literally all I did was stretch upwards). By evening I was popping painkillers (I don’t take painkillers because I have an irrational aversion to them) so I could run kids to places they needed to be, yesterday it was less bad and today it’s less bad again but still there and still occasionally annoying.