bizarro dreams
Twins in the lower room
Sunday, 22 March 2015 @ 4:38pm
Seems the house gets populated by more coporeal people as I get older.
Last time I recall being there when there were people there, there was some kind of masquerade ball going on. This time there was just people going about their daily business, and one of the rooms I’d been too scared to enter previously just felt a bit creepy this time round, which has been happening with more and more of the rooms in the middle section. The “open bathroom” (an alcove which has bathroom stuff in it but no outer walls) is still there and as far as I can tell still doesn’t get used. I had to take the kids “home” (thought towards the beginning I was living in the house as I do sometimes but not this time apparently), the kids and I were getting ready to leave out the front door, 8yo initially didn’t want to leave but then remembered she hadn’t had dinner.
You will be assimilated...
Sunday, 13 May 2012 @ 11:51am
Or not. Short version, according to last night’s bizarro dream, there’s going to be a merger between “this” world and “some other dimension/universe” soon if it’s not happening already.
Now that I’m awake I’m wondering if it was Yet Another Incarnation of the Crazy Dog House, though I don’t recall seeing a cliff this time. One day I should probably try to explain The Crazy Dog House, which appears to be a stupidly large mansion not a doghouse.
Obvious point of view shift?
Thursday, 14 July 2011 @ 5:50pm
Last night’s bizarro dream is probably going to prompt interpretations of changing points of view or something to that effect. It was my first thought when I finally managed to peel my eyes open this morning.
I was in what appears to be my room at Crazy Dog House (big room, always same layout, sometimes differently decorated, though the bed appears built in or extremely heavy as it doesn’t appear to move or change), I found some old contacts (which I have never owned never mind seen before) in crazy colours. I got it into my head to try them on.
Back to the house on the cliff
Sunday, 3 July 2011 @ 11:34am
[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]
The vege garden was a freaking mess. I noticed it when we arrived at the house. We hadn’t needed the excessive driveway down the side so had converted it into a slightly wider than driveway half acre long vege strip. And there were weeds and elephant ear ferns growing all through it.
I informed JJ that I was going to get rid of the weeds. I intended my gloves into existance (I didn’t go get them, they just appeared in my hands and I put them on) and got to work. A few weeds later the patch was not only clear, it was also thriving with many veges not far off harvest.