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April Homeschool Miscellany

I tried to get J to organise this month's excursion to a cave in a national park that is not that far away from us in the grand scheme of things.  I had organised it mostly for 14yo but I had misunderstood, he had some vague interest in oldschool mines which was related to an interest in blacksmithing but didn't like caves, and neither did anyone else so that idea got nixed.

Late March saw some rehearsing for a performance for one of the local shows, and the show (and performance) itself happened in early April.  Both 18yo and 16yo were in it, and 16yo also got roped in to help with hair and makeup.


March Homeschool Miscellany

We accidentally had two excursions this month. I'm not sure whether that makes us "caught up" due to not having one last month or able to chill next month given that the first and second months tend to be organisational and transitional.

The last time we went to the Gravity Discovery Centre was in 2010. Unfortunately stuff just didn't occur to J and I, for whatever reason I thought that we were only going for the night thing even though their night things always include entry into the rest of it, so I didn't cancel roleplaying, and J assumed we'd be roleplaying and didn't mention it. And it was unfortunate as the kids would have made the entire solar system walk now, before we only managed to get up to Uranus before we had to turn back.


The Sound of the Universe

[imported from livejournal and backdated]