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Writing and thoughts on school

From writing and art not really being his “thing”, 9yo recently had a sudden explosion of doing a bit of it without me yelling out that it was bookwork o’clock and him coming and doing some or not as he felt like. He made a new character which is supposed to be a roleplaying character (though I have already told him I’m not sure how well it would fit into the WoD Changeling system we have but I can usually make things work and if there is a next time maybe it can be after Winter if I ever get my paws on and head around the new version) and spent a couple of days writing notes and a backstory:

Not schooly stuff

Duplo ‘i LOVE U’ by 9yo with a little blue heart in the O 7yo’s pic of Hootabella, one of the owls from the Giggle and Hoot show on ABC4Kids. She has since added in a magic wand and we will be sending it in to the Giggle Gallery along with one she helped 5yo with 7yo found a couple of packets of plaster of paris in the art cupboard and absolutely had to use it RIGHT NOW for something, so we made quick and dirty and very shallow fossils.

The company I keep

Or rather hang around the periphery of and watch. I saw this on the front page of deviantART (hey the front page is good for something after all ;) when I went to log in: [missing image] Lightning La Buff Bust by mattj324 In my usual fashion after dropping in to leave a boring “wow” type comment, I went through the rest of the person’s gallery and then watched them.

!schooling from whenever til now

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Due to stuff (some it was the parents coming up to visit for a couple of weeks, some is that business has picked up dramatically), I haven’t been keeping track of the homeschooly stuff. Also we’ve been finding better things to do than sitting and doing bookwork, so it’s a really good thing that’s not the core of our homeschooling program (I need to write one of those for next year by the way, and also a booklist).

!schooling 0000I18c - I22n

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] We spent most of the last week recovering from whatever plague we had and trying to get back into the bookwork. What this meant was that we stayed home all week and I let the kids do whatever books they wanted which meant 6yo only did Reading Eggs books all week when they are supposed to pick different subjects.

!schooling 0000E25c - F02n | 6-10 May

This weekly stuff is tiring. Seriously who reads this anyway? May just start hiding them as I still kind of need to write them. Anyway. Bit of a slow week this week as the kids all caught a cold and I spent a couple of days heroically fending it off. The kids wanted me to teach them how to draw. Actually what they really wanted was for me to magically confer kickass drawing skills onto them.

Home Ed Program 2013

Now with more detail and split into National Curriculum subject areas as best I can manage (because I fail at reductionism and bureaucracy seems to fail at holism; with some luck perhaps we shall collide in a catalystic rather than confrontational manner somewhere in the middle, and bonus if this helps someone somewhere in some way). The players are an 8 year old boy, a 6 year old girl and a 4 year old boy.

Schooling 0000d25c e01n apr 8 12

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Last week and a bit have been slack and uncoordinated partially due to Easter and mostly due to the sleeping pattern going seriously out of whack resulting in myself and the kids going to bed way too late (me because I was staying up late to finish stuff off and also to make sure the bigs were asleep before turning out their light, and them because I have no idea).

!schooling 0000C18c - C22n | Mar 4-9

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] Bit of a short week this week due to Labour Day public holiday, and also (or perhaps because of that) a little bit disorganised. We did the zoo on the weekend, spent Monday cleaning the house which was rather festy. We didn’t get around to doing maths bookwork but did some Minecraft related spatial stuff.

!schooling 0000C11c-15n | Feb 25 - Mar 01

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now] 8yo 8yo decided to do Khan Academy for maths, and happily worked through a few addition/subtraction stacks. After he giggled at me a few times for taking longer than he had to work out the problems, I told JJ that he could supervise at least 8yo’s maths from hereon (it won’t happen as I’ve said that a few times from about two thirds of the way through last year, and I’m still supervising everything except when I’ve asked JJ to supervise due to work).