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January Homeschooling Miscellany

Our year started fantastically with being able to go to a performance of The Lion King Broadway Musical courtesy of mother in law who bought us tickets. We were up in the nosebleed section so couldn’t see fine details of costumes or clear facial expressions but got an awesome view of everything going on on the stage and around the theatre (as the performers didn’t restrict themselves to the stage).

December Homeschooling Miscellany

December is always an odd time of year due to having to wind up kids activities, business for the year and organising whatever is going on for Christmas so I rarely have much homeschooly to write about. The kids had their gymnastics end of year performance, the theme was “Back to the 80s”. Costumes were fantastic, the performances were great and I completely failed at taking any good photos. The Christmas party followed directly afterwards including a visit from Santa.

October Homeschooling Miscellaney 2

Might try to do these as monthly things rather than semi-random ones. Firstly, we are chick central again. About three clutches with 7-10 chicks in each one. Chappie’s family want some of the naked necks. This was the first lot. Idiot hen had gone next door to brood, kids heard the cheeping and went next door to investigate. Neighbour was astonished as she hadn’t even realised they were there behind the shed, and just as well they’d only hatched that morning as she’d been dogsitting and the dog had left earlier in the day.

Homeschooling miscellany

Another collection of stuff that I usually don’t get around to posting at the time either due to being in the middle of something or because it was a little thing. Banana and toothpick sculpture made by 10yo Apple and toothpick sculpture made by 10yo Doll made out of a spoon, tissue paper, pipe cleaner and wool by 8yo Paper habitat world for plastic animals by 8yo. Served as a ‘board’ for ecosystem based games that all the kids made up for a couple of days

Ferrets, fishing, horsing around, one awesome quarry, and stuff like that

Photos from the last couple of weeks. After 10yo had sent off an enquiry email to WAFFS, they put is in contact with a lovely lady in the area who let us play with her ferrets and answered all the questions we had and then said we should head up to the AGM the following day if we didn’t have any plans as people brought their ferrets to these things. We didn’t have anything on that morning (unfortunately parents in law were off travelling so we couldn’t visit them while we were in the area) so we trotted along to go have a look.

Liddelow Homestead, John Oakey Davis Park and some miscellany

The City of Gosnells recently had its Homegrown Festival, but due to many clashes of things the only thing we ended up making was the Liddelow Homestead Open Day. It has a really cool corridor. There was also a stove which the kids didn’t initially recognise as such, we spent a few minutes talking about what it might be before I told them what it was, and we then discussed how one might control the temperature of the stove when cooking.

Homeschool catchup post

The day before we [flew out to Christmas Island]({< relref “massive-christmas-island-photopost-2014-15” >}), we went on an excursion to the Art Gallery of Western Australia. They accommodate homeschool groups easily and the programs the kids did were great and seem to have been enjoyed by all. To make running things easier for the staff, the kids had been divided into pre-primary to Year 3 (5-8yos) and year 4+ (9 and older). The older group went for their activity first while the younger one went on the tour.

Massive Christmas Island Photopost 2014-15

Minimal text, many photos, some videos. Mishmash of scenic, happysnaps and homeschooling stuff coz that’s how we roll. Grab a drink and a snack before commencing. First couple of weeks… The airport wait wasn’t terribly exciting but at least there were planes to watch being loaded, taking off and landing. Big asam tree across the road as seen from my bed. It’s always good to be home. Kids helping Nanny and Aunty Sprat put together loot bags for Carols by Candlelight

Homeschool snippets

The mosaic thing got some good use while it was rainy, with 9yo and 7yo both copying patterns from the book and inventing their own: 7yo’s English workbook: 9yo played a “Little League” game at halftime at one of the Perth Demons games. Technically it was the Year 5 GosHawks (what JJ and I have decided to call the Gosnells Hawks) that were supposed to go and play but I don’t know what happened and most of the Year 4 group and three of the Year 5 group ended up going along instead and played against an entire team of Year 5s from Manning.

New norcia excursion

I keep forgetting to write about our day trip to New Norcia. It was one of those things that had been suggested ages ago by mother in law as she had gone to school there and was interested in showing it to the kids (and us, though both JJ and I have been in the area previously, me on a Yr11/12 art camp and him…well he was not quite sober for most of it apparently).