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Happy silly season!

“Doesn’t that make your teeth rot?” “It’s worse when you’re with ’em!” Andrew snickered. Zara passed Andrew another box of decorations from the bowels of the shed, surreptitiously observing Dakarai and Megan being cute at each other on the other side of the garden. The bright orangey yellows of the Christmas bush caught her eye. Around this time of year, especially among the people that celebrated Christmas, there seemed to be a tradition of kissing under mistletoe.

Its gonna be okay

“No matter what you’ve been through, here you are, no matter if you think you’re falling apart, it’s gonna be okay!” ~The Piano Guys: Okay Families are supposed to stick together, no matter what. If you can’t rely on your own blood, who can you rely on? Unfortunately some people are not cut out for parenthood. Andrew was always a difficult, headstrong, stubborn and short-tempered child, unlike his sweet-natured sister. He grew into a difficult, headstrong, stubborn and still short-fused-but-slightly-better-at-controlling-it teenager, who constantly butted heads with his parents, especially his father.