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Good day, "bad" day

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

Yesterday was an awesome day. To counter, I had a rather average day. Compared to yesterday it was bad, but seriously in the grand scheme of things, it could have been a lot worse.

Good day

I went to bed at a reasonable time the night before. Slept in a little bit, woke up chirpy, had breakfast and did the usual morning computery stuff. The kids woke up all in a good mood, breastfed the two small ones, gave everyone breakfast, and had plenty of time to hang out the laundry and get lunch ready for homeschool group. We got there not quite as late as we usually do and I was feeling glad that I had opted to go instead of staying home to do the laundry as I had originally planned as EVERYONE was there.

Drupal 7 notes - dealing with "ghost fields"

Came across a problem someone else on Drupal dubbed “ghost field” in one of the issue queues. My issue with ghost fields came about while setting up Profile2 to use in my profile (strangely), but the problem happens in other modules as well.

The problem

  1. create a profile type (or modify the main one)
  2. add a field
  3. delete the field (I don’t recall seeing any difference between saving data in the field or not)
  4. try to add a new field with the same name, get an error saying the field name is already in use, but it doesn’t appear in the “Add existing field” list

The solution

  1. manually edit the database. I use phpmyadmin. Whatever works
  2. find the tables field_config and field_config_instance, browse them and delete all incidences of the “ghost fields”
  3. fields can now be recreated

After deleting the ghost field instances the php fatal error and associated debug messages I’d been having trouble tracking the source of (Entity was getting blamed) disappeared, quite conveniently.

Starting over

So. the provider I’m using for my reseller account got itself taken out by a zero day exploit, which apparently wiped out their main drive and most of their backup drive.

My possibly incorrect interpretation of the email they sent out suggests that the attack was just on the one server. I’m wondering if they were silly enough to have the backup drive in the same machine or if they were just unlucky enough to have triggered the attack or had it running while doing a backup.


I survived the alpha iterations! Learned a bit but didn’t end up helping much (or at all really) aside from something like a bug report and confirming a UX issue. So now we’re sitting on beta1 and I feel slightly more confident putting stuff here as from memory the betas are upgradeable. Alphas are not.

I remembered to export my Views this time so didn’t have to completely redo them :) I’ve left out the links view though as I’m formulating a better idea on how to do that page, the feed and the fynposts though were a bit of naffing around and twice over was enough. I’m slightly miffed that Zemanta isn’t picking up the editor but I’m currently not sure if that’s the fault of D7, or some component of the editor (it’s Wysiwyg with TinyMCE). Somehing there has changed as it works fine with D6. Hoping that they’ll upgrade Zemanta and it will miraculously fix everything.

Catchup, Tapfish economics, cartography and Lojban

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

[this post got a lot of interesting/amusing comments mostly about people apparently annoyed by my decision to use Lojban as the IAL (international auxiliary language) for AEfter Ragnarok - bit sad to lose them]


No posts for a whole year. That might have something to do with being slightly manic with what I calculated was roughly the equivalent of a 24/7/365 on call full time job and two contract/casuals. And I’m only getting paid for one of them, and only if I can find contracts. Sprat and I have gotten down to srs bizness and are now doing design and websites for money, along with the mass plethora of other people doing the same. We’re better than 90% of them ;) I am also still working on AR (formerly referred to as The Comic and then The ComicAnimation, you know, that thing I’ve been plugging at constantly and more or less consistantly for the last 8 years or so). It’s come a long, long way. It’s also because I thought I’d try my hand at this record keeping business. So I (very intermittently) kept records in a Smiggle notebook.

Homeschooling site revisited

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

We dropped in to see my uncle and aunty yesterday (myself, my sister and the kids) to say hi and to return my aunty’s cake board that we’d had forever, and my uncle was giving us advice about the block we’re working on buying and then he asked when Tiny started kindy. I said he would be starting next year if he was going, and he made the comment that he thought Tiny might be ready pretty much now.

Slow progress

[minor pseudonymising edits during Drupal to hugo migration for all the good that will do now]

[imported from livejournal and backdated]

Almost have a belly. Almost. Still only obvious after a meal :P I want chicken and corn soup, but we have no chicken and no corn, hell not really much of anything left, because tomorrow is shopping day. Maybe I should duck down to the hawkers and get some. They might still be open, it’s only 8:35. If worse comes to worse I have rendang and veges in the fridge that just needs some rice to be cooked up. I really want chicken and corn soup but :(