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Work, Wannabe and other projects and a dash of unschooling

Firstly, what in the hell is with the life category?!

I've been (very slowly!) importing livejournal entries so I can replace missing photos.  Very minor regret that I didn't bother skimming through my shadowshifter livejournal before I deleted it as I probably had a few progress reports for my various projects kicking around on it, but oh well.


Organisational skills? What organisational skills?

What's been happening at Wannabe Farmstead? Feels like a lot.  I was out with the dogs at the oval when it occurred to me:

  • I can sort out and adjust training "schedules" in my head fast from observing the dogs while working with them
  • I can work out learning styles and interests of the kids from observation and interaction and work out where to go and things to do that they might find interesting
  • I can work around family stuff with minimal dramas
  • I can do things for clients on time (provided they get me what I need when I say I need it by)
  • I cannot organise my own way out of a paper bag

I should probably do something about that last point.


The sorry chicken saga

There was much excitement and trepidation at Wannabe when Chess, our bossy little evil Pekin bantam went broody, and amusement when the more demure Tempest decided that she, too, would also like to hatch some eggs.

Chess the Pekin bantam sitting on 24 eggsTempest the Pekin bantam sitting on 1 egg

We were pretty thrilled to have broodies, as one of our long term plans was to increase our flock naturally, including letting the broodies raise their chicklets, and bring in new blood every so often to prevent too much inbreeding.  This idea has since expanded to Josh planning on developing his own chicken breed.


Christmas time, mistletoe and wine, and slightly different this year

The lovely Ursula (also known as SulaMoon) over at deviantART gave me and another friend of hers pearwood a dragon for Christmas.

I think it's agonisingly cute.  Ursula is an amazing artist.


Taking over the world, one verge at a time

[imported from livejournal and backdated]